It’s Only Been Just One Week On Holidays

I’ve been away for a week of skiing in Andorra and I’ve just spent the last hour or two fishing through the 120 built up emails in my gmail box, deleted the 150 or so spam emails in my work one, and then filtered another 200 or so work ones to determine which ones are worth catching up on. I haven’t even had a chance to hit my regular must read blogs, let alone catching up on my own entries. More to come though…

Five Things Meme

Late in the blog tagging rounds… here’s five things you may or may not know about me (courtesy of Mike Roberts):

  1. I speak more Japanese (which is not that much) than I can either Tagalog/Filipino (where I was born) or Chinese (my ancestry).
  2. I have really flat feet and a podiatrist in Brisbane told me I’d never win a marathon. I like to think that these help me swim at least.
  3. If I didn’t become a software developer and agile coach, I probably would have been an accountant. Did you know that there is such a thing as forensic accounting?
  4. I’m only in my second professional job ever.
  5. I’ve had long hair for four years now.

And so I pass this strange token to the following people: Stickfly, Gerrod, Christine, Dan North, and newcomer to the blogosphere… Oikos.

2006 – The Year in Review

I’m yet to blog about the year gone by, so I thought it’d be useful to reflect upon the year like many other people have. It’s been a very busy year and I’m surprised to see it go already. I’ve met many new people and had many great experiences and it will be interesting to see how the next year turns out.

Read on for even more detail… Read more “2006 – The Year in Review”

True Secret Santa

It’s quite normal for some of my post to go to the office since someone is always there to sign for things, but imagine my surprise this week when I walked in to find a small little package for me. I hadn’t ordered anything myself recently and I was so puzzled as to what was in it that I had to open it when I got home. Imagine my surprise when I found a nice Ciak journal. I’m almost at the end of my Moleskin one so it works out really well for me. This one is also great portable size too so whoever got it for me it’s most ideal.

Secret Santa

Thanks to whoever sent it and I hope you will let me know soon. I really appreciate the gesture and I’m extremely keen to find out who it is. Please contact me (send an email to me on emailpat [at]

Fact of the Day

Validated in Dublin by some locals…

“Guinness is really good for you”

Validated by a number of sources, Guinness actually has:

  • Less calories (because it has less alcohol). In fact it has less calories than a pint of orange juice or skim milk (not to mention less fat than either); and
  • A large number of antioxidants;