Meat, Glorious Meat

Well it’s been a month since I vowed to become a vegetarian so I thought it best to let you know how I went…

Being a vegetarian has been quite easy and I haven’t found myself any more tired or any more restless because of it. In fact I think I’ve actually felt a whole lot better overall since I think I’m getting my variety of fruit and vegetables every day. I don’t think I’ve eaten out as much and certainly haven’t had much Chinese in the last month compared to what I normally would (probably better for my sodium intake). Eating out with people hasn’t been as hard as I thought – generally it’s easier to choose because you don’t have as many options, and I’ve tried a whole new variety of things. I’ve also tried cooking a few things that I normally wouldn’t cook, and that has been very nice learning experience.

On the negative side of this experience, it’s meant missing out on a whole selection of foods that I could have tried at new places I ate at. I also was very conscious about not eating lots of cheese and eggs since that’s an easy choice but means that my saturated fat intake would have rocketed. I don’t have any cravings for meat, but the one that I think I’ve missed the most that would have made eating out much easier was really seafood – especially fish and prawns.

I haven’t decided if and when I will go back to eating meat – I might give it just a little bit of a longer chance to play out.