Windsor Castle

State Apartments at Windsor CastleOn Saturday I spent the entire day walking around the town of Windsor, one of the places to go and visit the Queen. According to the flag that was flying on top of the round tower, we were also lucky enough that the Queen was in, though we didn’t get a chance to see her.

Windsor castle is stunning and its entry price reasonable considering you get an audio tour and walking tour included. The gardens are stunningly kept and guards decked out in big tall black hats bright red uniforms tromp continuously throughout the grounds. The castle has a very long history, once a wooden fortress strategically placed atop a very big hill, now built up significantly into a series of stone buildings and churches. I found it fascinating to see all of the historical artefacts related to generations of knights, kings and queens all throughout the visit.

Being quite warm and summery we decided to take a slow boat cruise around the Thames where we saw the Windsor racecourse, one of two island racecourses and the only one with its own marina in England. It was a great day and many other people thought the same, as indicated by the large number of boats moored to the side of the river (and sometimes to each other). Plenty of people were picnicking, swimming or just sunning themselves excessively red raw. We finished off the day by visiting Eton college a brief walk away, most famous as the preferred institute of education for the Royal family. Check out more pictures in the gallery.

2 Replies to “Windsor Castle”

  1. So first off I can’t believe you opted to tour around Windsor as opposed to cheering on the lads from England in the World Cup. No wonder they lost 😉 Now secondly, how come the Queen didn’t meet you guys? Like she had something better to do. Oh wait – she must have been watching football.

  2. Actually I did end up watching the game, it’s a bit hard to avoid. It’s a shame they lost though even with my cheering 🙂

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