That’s Not a Temple…

Despite have lots of signs even a bus stop named after it, I really think they should have called them the Remains of the Temple of Mithras instead of just The Temple of Mithras.

As you can see from the photo below, there really isn’t much of a temple. This one was moved (almost all of these were below the ground) was moved to Temple Court on Queen Victoria Street and historians believe that it was built in the middle of the 2nd Century AD.


3 Replies to “That’s Not a Temple…”

  1. have you checked out the Inner temple ? There is a tube stop named after it !! 🙂
    Close to the Inner Temple there is another Pretty looking church (forgot the name, but it has something to do with a multi layered wedding cake)

  2. Are you talking about the “Temple” tube stop on the Circle/District line? I’ve stopped by there before but I didn’t realise there was a real Temple there. I’ll definitely have to check it out! Thanks for the tip.

  3. St. Brides Church is the inspiartion for multi-tiered wedding cakes (off Ludgate Hill end of Fleet Street). Might also be a Wren but not sure.
    “Temple” lates to the circular church of the Knights Templar – if the “Da Vinci Code” is to be beleived.

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