Coldplay @ Earl’s Court

Coldplay @ Earl's Court LondonI just got back home after heading out tonight to witness Coldplay deliver another warmly received performance at Earl’s Court tonight and just had to write up my review. Earl’s Court is an interesting place to hold any concert, with the massive exhibition hall being turned into an area with standing and seating room, by our estimate, to hold about ten or fifteen thousand people. Our seat was up there but not quite in the nosebleed section and although we had to sit at an angle, still had a decent view of the band and screens.

Coldplay’s support act was Richard Ashcroft, from The Verve, and who I had just seen as a guest performer at Monday’s gig. I remember the band The Verve only by two songs, The Drugs Don’t Work, and Bitter Sweet Symphony, both of which were played in addition to a number of his own ones. His fifty minute act was pretty good, but was definitely shadowed by the stunning performance of Coldplay.

It only took about a half hour for them to reset the stage, which Coldplay quickly stormed with a string of their biggest songs including Square One (the opener from their new album), Yellow, Politik and the Speed of Sound. Each song had obviously been well choreographed with amazing visuals that complemented the mood for each song, with pulsating coloured squares, giant yellow balls bouncing around the crowd, and the lights that projected what looked like a star system around the hall into the entire crowd.

The set was a great mix of a lot of their new songs, a lot of their old songs and a number of tribute songs all of which the crowd evidently enjoyed as they sang along. The entire set, including encore was a decent length with a total of almost two hours of solid quality music.

By the end of the show, everyone was standing up in their seats demanding more. Though starting off on a slight mistake, Coldplay soon satiated this hunger by playing three mores songs including Shiver, In My Place and the hauntingly skin-crawling lyrics and melodies of Fix You from their latest album. It is a concert that will be memorable for some time to come and I can now thoroughly recommend you see Coldplay if you ever get the chance.

6 Replies to “Coldplay @ Earl’s Court”

  1. Sheesh !!!

    Caught up with your blog after ages. Suddenly miss London :-). I used to love exploring the various nooks n corners of London when I was there.

  2. I was there on the 15th right at the front and it was truly the most moving,emotional night ive had musically.Fix You moved me to tears.A fantastic performance

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