The Kua Newspaper of Choice is… The Times

To be honest, newspapers don’t really do that much for me, especially when I had a big choice between two back home. I find that most newspapers are very similar when scanning for content, with the major difference being really in the attitude of the editorials and columnists, of which no newspaper available in Brisbane really did anything for me.

Like most things in London, the offerings of newspapers can be overwhelming with newspapers and magazines catering to all types of people and markets. The hotel I was staying at prior to moving into my place in Bayswater offered two of London’s most popular newspapers, The Daily Telegraph and The Times. Out of the two, I must admit that I most frequently picked up The Times, not necessarily for its content, but more for its practical nature. When space is at a premium, be it crammed inside a tube, on a bus or even at your breakfast table, The Times’ more compact form factor wins any time.

3 Replies to “The Kua Newspaper of Choice is… The Times”

  1. Funny that you picked the two more right wing papers of the english media stable.
    I’m very disappointed to hear The Times is no longer a broadsheet though.

    You stuck me as an “Independent” sort of reader (I however dont like the font) over the lefty Guardian.

  2. Admittedly I did like the weekend Guardian but I found a couple of editorial mistakes (for which they apparently infamous for) and decided that I wouldn’t make it a regular. I suppose I haven’t been paying for newspapers either so I haven’t picked up The Independent yet. I might give that a go though.

  3. The Saturday Guardian is one of the few things I miss from living in the UK. The Times, however, has the best crosswords by far. 🙂

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