Pan Asia

Our Product Owner took us to Pan Asia for lunch one time and it’s a place that’s definitely worth revisiting with great food and great atmosphere. It’s long red tables remind me of Wagamama, and besides perhaps slightly rushed service (a Berlin trait in general), that’s where the comparisons should really end.

Sticking true to its name, the food cuts across several different Asian continents including fresh sushi and tempura from Japan, Thai curries (you can actually ask for it really spicy but it’ll still catered for German tastes, Malaysian style satay sticks and Chinese style steamed dumplings.

You’ll pay a lot more for the food here than if you went to a more focused restaurant, partly because it’s located in trendy Mitte and also because it aims to attract your Berlin Hipster’s who won’t mind paying for the extra. It’s unlikely you’ll stumble across this restaurant as well, hidden away in one of the Hof’s and only really noticeable by the circular sign hanging out front, or by the trail of people you might see wandering in.

Their duck dish below.

The salmon. Delicious.

The food excellent, the drinks spot on, and a much talked about and decadent toilet area that confuses and bemuses at the same time. It’s just one of those places you’ll have to see for yourself.

Name: Pan Asia
Found at: Rosenthaler Straße 38, Berlin

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