Melbourne Street Art

Street art’s really taken off and being the cultural city that Melbourne is so known for, it does not disappoint. It seemed like on every block or every other corner had some sort of painted street art.

Here’s a number of great samples that I liked the most out of everything (the names are mine).

Faces of Melbourne
A little bit of a contrast between the Jabba-the-hut meets a tattooed Ewok facing off against a more gentlemanly floating head. I really like the contrast between these two faces from everything including the different colours, the different sizes, the fact that one has a very detailed outline, the other a floating head.

Toilet Fame
A take on the well known product design for cleaning toilets. Perhaps I like this because it was such a small piece of art and a reflection on how quickly celebritydom falls on the right (or the wrong) sort of person. This rings even more true knowing the number of celebrity-grades that the UK is so well famous for.

Fitzroy Street Fighter
A tribute to the good old days found on a small entrance to a building in trendy Fitzroy. I particularly liked how the light cast a shadow on this combination of street art.

OK Nothing
Perhaps it was the simplicity of this piece of art that really struck me and the way that the person had a very distinguishable feel to it.

Wall At Dusk
While this one feels a lot less like street art and a bit more like a commissioned wall, I really liked how the colours and painting make it truly feel like dusk (it was pretty night time when I took this photo). The crows made me think about the black birds that dominate some of the Australian skies.

Feline Wall
This one is a bit more of mish mash of lots of different heads and a different set of styles. This one feels like a group of people had a go at this and the result is this wall (in a parking lot).