What’s been going on?

The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, finishing up one project located in Tower Hill only to go back to another client for a short three days and then starting a new coaching gig way out in Cambridge. I’m trying the commuting daily to see what it’s like – slightly better than Marlow and it still means I get to do things in London.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the Chicago Bulls beat the Utah Jazz at the O2 Stadium. Super exciting game where it literally came down to the last minute and the last ball as the decider between who won. These Americans definitely have entertainment down with every little break, every little time out and half time filled with some sort of entertainment generally including audience participation, or just simply acrobatic or cheerleader type entertainment. Great atmosphere.

This week I went along to see The Cribs at The Forum, one of my favourite venues around London. Packed out and heaving with people with lots of energy, it was definitely a hot and humid session inside. One really terrible support band (the audience almost booed them off) and one really great support band.