Foxing it up

We’ve mostly stayed at The Square during the last few weeks and although it’s nice, I thought I’d try a different hotel, and thought I’d give Hotel Fox a go. Built as an interesting concept with each room individually decorated by a different artist, it also has a nicely decorated lobby and an outdoor patio area.


As you can see above, the lobby probably isn’t particularly functional, despite being the location for breakfast as well. The seats are far too low and backs pretty much impossible to sit on. Classic design that looks stylish yet not practical.


I was hoping for a more exciting room, ending up with Room #306 titled Pico Pico. Compared to many of the other rooms, it sits on the more bland side with the stark whiteness accentuated by the two windows letting in the sun almost all day long. Fortunately the draw curtains do their job well keeping the light out until I’m actually ready to get out of bed.

The stay in the hotel was nice enough but probably wasn’t as nice as you might first think.