Arrived in Port Blair

I’m surprised that at least Port Blair is connected very well. I’m writing this in an Internet cafe, costing only INR30 per hour and it’s actually a very fast connection. I’m writing this in notepad while I wait for firefox to download – I just find it a much better browser and I feel a little bit safer with its security.

The flight to Port Blair left horrendously early at 7:20 this morning. Of course that means leaving even earlier from the place I stayed in. I promise to write more about the brief couple of days in Chennai.

The weather is fantastic at 27 degrees celcius and the (lack of) humidity levels make it almost perfect walking weather. What makes it perfect is the cool salty sea breeze blowing off the green and blue water. I find the marina, and walking along it, spot three different kinds of fish and plenty of crabs along the rocks. I think to myself can things get any better?

Lunch time arrives and I find myself at a place called the New Lighthouse Restaurant. It’s located by the water and serves very fresh seafood. I end up ordering a masala crab – the waiter picks up one and asks if this is okay. I look the squirming thing and think about how great it will taste so fresh. It costs me INR380. I also order a couple of rotis to soak up the masala sauce. A local guy, Arun, starts up a conversation and soon he’s telling me about all the different things to do, and some places to go on Havelock Island. I leave for there in the morning tomorrow and I hope that it’s going to be as good. He asks me to call him when I get back to Port Blair.

I start heading back to the hotel for an afternoon siesta as I’m due to meet a person to take me to see the evening light show at the Cellular Jail. I’ve heard a lot about this place before, apparently the place that the British held all the Indian freedom fighters. I find it interesting that this place of oppression now attracts tourists.

I can’t wait for the next ten days. I’m sure I’ll get sunburned though I know I’ll end up with a wicked tan. I’ll also be sure to be filling my belly with some very nice seafood.