Travelling Tips for India

BusTravelling in some countries is easier than others. Travelling around India hasn’t been too bad though there’s a few things that I didn’t realise you would need. Here’s a list to help you if you happen to travel in India.

  • Take your residential address with you and a contact number. When checking into hotels, they will need the address of where you are considered as “residential”, even if it’s a hotel.
  • Take your passport with you. Like the above need, hotels need a photocopy of the front page and the visa. You may want to take a photocopy of both of these things if you feel uncomfortable leaving your passport behind.
  • Print out a map or two of where you are staying, relative to the roads. Not all taxi drivers know all the roads around the city, especially if you’re travelling long distances. Pointing it out where it’s relative to (something like MG road) might help you find it easier.
  • Print out your hotel name and address. Language and understanding of some hotel names may be confusing, so it’s easier if you have it written down somewhere.