Beware HttpUnit and NekoHTML

The latest version of HttpUnit still doesn’t work well with NekoHTML. Certain behaviour in NekoHTML parsing HTML into a DOM and assumptions in HttpUnit means that trying to set parameter values for a SELECT parameter fails even though you know it’s a valid option value. The current workaround is to use JTidy thought we’re still considering switching to HTMLUnit to improve performance issues we’re having. I have to remember to try disabling javascript interpreting in HttpUnit as I remember this was quite a slow down for tests on a previous project.

2 Replies to “Beware HttpUnit and NekoHTML”

  1. Hey Pat

    There’s been a bunch of work done recently on Selenium driven by Java (or other language). The project is called Selenium Remote Control (, and it makes it easy to launch a browser and execute a bunch of tests. And you know that since you’re using a _real_ browser, you can create as much whiz-bang Ajax stuff as you like and it will still work. If you’re considering changing test tools, you may want to check it out…


  2. Hey Daz,

    Great hearing from you. I do like the selenium add on, but because of choices made in the past, it looks like we won’t be able to use Selenium as yet. I’ll definitely keep the remote control in mind though for future projects!

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