Scary Conversations On Agile

A conversation I had with someone today:

Me: So how is your project going?
Manager: We’re doing 12 iterations, we’re up to the eighth and we’re just getting a QA environment to run tests in.
Me: Do you have any form of continuous integration?
Manager: Well, we are only interested in the files that change, so we don’t need to run it against the entire system
Me: (Warning bells starting to ring…) Do you have any tests?
Manager: Our developers have too much trouble writing unit tests because the system is made of all web pages
Me: (Okay, keep calm, just run with it for now) Have they tried looking at HttpUnit or JWebUnit?
Manager: No, not yet.
Me: (Ask it anyway – maybe they’ll surprise you) So what sort of tests do your developers have?
Manager: Oh well, since they don’t have a remote environment, they just run tests on their machines.
Me: Do you mean they run them manually?
Manager: Yes
Me: (Sigh and so forth…)