On A Bike Again

I’ve been rather careful about putting excessive pressure on my leg after severely aggravating it two weeks ago walking to and from work. The bruising and tenderness has been healing, but not quite at the same rapid pace it had been originally. The result is that I haven’t been nearly as active as I’d like to have been, and I my diet was accordingly adjusted.

Today was therefore a bit of the ordinary after stuffing myself full of delicious Yum-Cha dumplings with the family at Sunnybank’s Landmark Chinese restaurant. When I got home I thought I would try getting back on the bike to make up for this reckless feasting. The store still hasn’t assembled the new bike (another story soon to come), so I ended up jumping on my old bike and rode around UQ a few times to see how I’d cope. I was rather surprised to find out that cycling was almost without pain and I was glad to be on the road again. The leg’s still sensitive when riding out of the saddle (usually up hills), so riding to work is still not possible. I obviously have to give it more time and continue to hope for the best healing possible. Incidentally, I passed through the scene of the crime and found myself, though extremely cautious, strangely detached about the whole ordeal.