First Aikido Grading

Amongst the many other things that happened this weekend, I managed to complete my first Shinsa (grading). My first ever Shinsa was a long one, spanning almost three and a half hours where we had to sit, as much as we could, in the tireless Seiza (sitting with legs folded underneath our bodies) position. I had been training quite hard for the level I was grading for, but was still anxious at the possibility of making a mistake during the very formal testing process. Thankfully it all paid off, and I received my certificate and stamp tonight, testifying to my completion of the 9th Kyu Shinsa.

The whole testing process was rather enlightening as everyone is expected to stay there for everyone else’s grading (all 36 for this one). As one of the beginners in the dojo, I probably got the most out of it, witnessing everyone else complete their more advanced routines. For me, the most fascinating part was probably watching and appreciating how advanced the basic moves we learn in class can be pushed and applied so effectively. I always find it very motivating to watch people demonstrate just how far your skills can be developed and refined.

2 Replies to “First Aikido Grading”

  1. Yeah if I sit in seiza position for more than about 15 minutes my legs cramp up and I fall over sideways.
    Onya Pat!

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