Gmail Vs Hotmail

I just noticed that my puny 2MB Hotmail storage just got increased to a <soakedInSarcasm>whopping</soakedInSarcasm> 250MB. Though it’s nice of Hotmail to be playing catch up, for me already too late since my reply-to address on hotmail is my gmail account.

And besides… Gmail wins hands down in the user interface side!

3 Replies to “Gmail Vs Hotmail”

  1. one thing hotmail has that gmail doesn’t (and probably won’t ever) is that you can download your mail off the server… I only use my hotmail for spam-ish emails and public web presence and for some reason, I haven’t converted to gmail… But I pay for POP3 now…

  2. The good thing about hotmail is that you can send and receive email messages that are 20MB in size. Gmail and Yahoo are still with the 10MB limit I think so I guess that means you are limited to sending and receiving with other hotmail users! Oh – and it looks like POP is now enabled for Gmail.

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