Open source projects that just worked!

Some open source projects (especially those that don’t have a critical mass for usage just yet) are notoriously bad for documentation or just getting it up and running. Over the last two weeks I have had a pretty good experience with a number of projects. So thanks to the following projects for being useful and easy to use:

  • – The blog software I am using. Installed in less then 10 minutes.
  • ViewCVS – Awesome tool for a graphical CVS repository browser. Also useful for doing nice visual diffs and retrieving deleted files out of the Attic without knowing their names! After getting the only prerequisite that not been met (RCS) installed, running a start up script got it going straight away.
  • Mambo Server – Currently playing around with it as my CMS. Fantastic documentation and installed in less than 5 minutes.
  • Subversion – A replacement being developed addressing issues with CVS.