Covent Garden Night Market

I find there is something special about seeing Covent Garden at the height of summer. Perhaps it’s the open air bars and pubs that flood out on to the streets, the smiles on everyone’s faces as you pass them by, or the light and entertaining performances of the street artists. This year, Covent Garden, brings something new in addition to their normal stalls, at least as far as I know until the end of August, their Night Market. I remember filling out a survey about what might attract people to the area, and I’m glad to see that some of that feedback seems to have paid off.

Covent Garden in Summer

Instead of peppering the cobblestones with even more arts, and crafts, they decided to compliment the existing stalls and restaurants with a bunch of more informal and casual food and produce. The organisers even set up a stage featuring a set of of people either showcasing their wares, or simply sharing their passions with the passer-bys. When I went along before the pub, I was fortunate enough to see Willie (of Willie’s Wonky Chocolate Factory fame) demonstrating the chocolate infused gazpacho recipe I remember seeing on his TV show. I respect the fact that he is very much the same person he portrayed himself on the TV show – very well spoken, clearly passionate about his chocolate (or more correctly, Cacao), and just wanting to share that passion with the rest of the world. It also didn’t hurt that the audience got a sampling of his creations.

Willie Cacao

The rest of the new part of the market includes a Champagne and Oyster Bar, a spit roast pork stand, plenty of various bakeries and lots of other stalls offering things to either nibble or, or to take home for a later occasion. I think next week may be the last week this continues to run for, and with summer looking like it’s finally reached an end, it’s definitely worth the visit especially if you’re in the nearby area.

Spit Roast