Laney’s Christmas Party

My final Christmas party for the year, in London at least, was hosted by Laney and assisted by Gerard and Jess. They’d gone to a lot of effort to throw the party including buying this massive turkey (at least 8kgs I think?) and roasting it for nearly that long. Ha ha.

It was gigantic, but in addition to that we also had about ten different sides …. not to mention all the treats they had put out before had for “nibbles”.

Soo much food … even with all of us eating at least three serves we still had a ton of leftovers!

We had a fun secret santa round where we used Laney’s giant playing cards to determine who went first. We played the game that you could swap for any other Secret Santa gift but you could only swap once and only when you first opened your present – so it paid to draw a high card. Hilariously we were all too polite to swap our gifts … except for Cass but he felt so bad that he changed his mind and swapped his present back anyway.