War of the Worlds – a premiere

Tom and Kate The heat of yesterday must have taken it out of me because today it was all I could do to leave the house! I didn’t end up leaving the Tomhouse until about 6pm this evening. I think it got to a top of 32-33 degrees. Phew. I went into Leceister Square where Tom was having his War of the Worlds premiere. I wanted to go in earlier but the thought of getting on to the tube and standing around waiting for the premiere to happen in the heat of the day was just too much. As a result, although I was in the square, the only thing I saw of Tom (and Katie) and Dakota was on the TV screens set up around the place (I didn’t even see the water squirting incident.) The square was absolutely heaving but then again it always is premiere or not. So far I’m doing so good with premieres – I’m 0/2 so far (remember Hitch?). Next time I guess …