Blackjack – Can you beat the House?

Blackjack must surely be one of the better games to play when at the casino being one of few games where skill actually has a part to play. Roulette used to be my game but being based solely on chance I finally realised I had no true control over the results.

This is the second night I’ve been to the casino (the first the Brisbane Treasury and tonight the Gold Coast Jupiters) since I arrived a few days ago and I think I’m already addicted. Ha ha. Its quite nerve-wracking sitting at the table and playing these $20-$60 hand bets – after all, though some skill is involved, chance still plays a larger part.

Though I have a keen interest in winning (doesn’t everyone?) what I find even more interesting are the characters that come to play at the table and also the reaction of the players and the dealer around them. From the two nights I’ve played there seem to generally be four main groups:
– Dumb Luck. Those that win regardless of what they do and who play based on the belief that if they’re lucky, they’re lucky.
– The Casual Player. Doesn’t play long enough to sit down. Usually has a drink in one hand and will generally play until they lose everything.
– The Behind Betters. These are the players that simply bet behind other people and are usually cashed up.
– The Long Haulers. In this category you either get those who want to talk or are there to try and beat the house.

Its a lot of fun but I hope that I don’t get carried away with it!