Good Luck Chuck …

… is Yuck Yuck Yuck.

I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I went along to see this movie tonight. Okay so I wasn’t expect a lot – but I was expecting that if a star such as Jessica Alba would choose to appear in a movie like this that it wasn’t going to be at least an outright disaster of a flick. How wrong was I!

Dane Cook, a fairly decently looking bloke, seems to have been hexed as a young boy and as a result he is never able to find true love. In contrast, the women he breaks up with (as inevitably occurs as he can never say the important “I Love You” to them) find true love with the very next person they date. A Good Luck Charm. Somehow he doesn’t realise this until he is in his 30s and finds himself falling for Jessica Alba’s character Cam, a clumsy penguin-loving zoo keeper, and in his desperation to break the hex somehow alienates her just when things are getting good between them.

Considering this seemed to be a rom-com the romance and comedy was just not there. Okay so, maybe it was supposed to be a gross-out comedy in the vein of American Pie instead. It was certainly dirty, disgusting and practically soft-core porn with the jokes bordering on insulting with the main offender being Dan Fogler’s character, who is Dane Cook’s best friend. Nearly everyone is insulted in this movie – from the overweight, to homosexuals, to all of womankind. Nothing is sacred – not even the innocence of a cute stuffed penguin. But was it funny? Yes, but not in a good way.

The only possible positive in this movie was that Jessica Alba delivered her character perfectly. This is the first time I’ve seen her branch out to a truly comedic role and as klutzy dorky geeky Cam she was totally believable. Oh and the Best Friend Card gag was hilarious.

Otherwise you would do well to save your money for something more worthwhile.

One thought on “Good Luck Chuck …

  1. It was a quality film, very funny and lots of excellent JA shots. “Save your money for something more worthwhile”, more like “spend money to see it over and over again and again and again……”

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