Weeks ending 6 March 2005

Day Steps – Week 26
Monday 12,400
Tuesday Not recorded
Wednesday 10,837
Thursday 9,156
Friday 11,798
Saturday and Sunday 4,464

As you can see Saturday and Sunday steps have been joined together. This is because I flew back from London to Bris-vegas. So in addition to the fact that I was sitting for over 20 hours on my little Singapore Airlines’ planes I also lost a half a day with the time change. This will be the last recorded step taking for a while. I’m not going to record my steps while I’m in Oz as I don’t anticipate a lot of walking to be happening but I’ll start recording again when we hit Tokyo.

2 thoughts on “Weeks ending 6 March 2005

  1. Hi, just happened to be searching around and found your website w/ walking stats.
    I record all of my steps too. Very fun. What kind of pedometer do you use?
    I made a website to track steps here:


    Step Tracker website: walker tracker

    you’re welcome to come play around there if you like.
    Though – ack, I’m just noticing that your last entry here is 2005, not 2006… hope you’re still at it.

  2. Hi Ben. I am using the SW-200 YAMAX DIGI-WALKER. My last entry was in March 05 because the pedometer I was using then stopped counting steps accurately. I bought a new one at the end of last year and whilst I’ve been recording my steps I haven’t yet updated the blog with them. I will do soon though! Thanks for your comments and I will check your site out!

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