Ocean’s Thirteen

In a summer of three-quels tonight I saw the latest in the offerings – Ocean’s Thirteen.

Even though you know that everything that happens in the movie is not quite realistic we see Clooney, Pitt and Co once again surmount the insurmountable, steal the un-stealable, hack the un-hackable, and so on and so forth. The third time around it is still somehow engaging and entertaining.

Despite the slow start where the reason for the con/caper is explained which in essence to avenge the betrayal of their mentor by mega casino boss Al Pacino the movie soon gets rolling. The plan – destroy his latest in the line of hotel casinos but do it in a number of ways so that the audience always feels like there are lots of balls being juggled in the air.

Happily we are back in Vegas so all the fun tricks and cons are back. (Loved Vegas when I was there in 2004 and after seeing this movie has me itching to go back. Maybe this had something to do with me liking the movie!) The script is excellent and quick-witted. Clooney and Pitt ooze charm as usual and are equally supported by the rest of the cast. Though there are a few double and triple-crosses througout, the plot is fairly straightforward so you can sit back and enjoy the style and just general coolness of the original franchise.

If there are some weaknesses it was in a few of the extremely wacky ideas such as drilling under the casino hotel to cause a “fake” earthquake and ripping $250 million worth of diamonds out of the roof. Such out there concepts! But hey these boys think big and that’s why they always come out on top.

Not a perfect movie but entertaining all the same.