Teesh Arrives!

A childhood friend of mine, Teesh, arrived in the early hours of this morning. She’s doing a kind of trip of a lifetime thing over here and has come up with a grueling schedule for herself. I’m going to be traveling half of it with her so I guess its grueling for me too! Ha ha. In between I’ll be working a few days to pay for my travel …

The planning of this trip, 45 days all up for her, has been going on for the last nearly a year and yet it has come around so quickly! I’ll be entertaining her for a few days in London before she heads off for her first stop in Brussels and then we’ll meet up in about a week’s time in Lucerne. Gotta love how the traveling thing works over here!

Well, its lunch time and I’ve been up for over eight hours already, having gone to pick up Teesh at the airport at stupid o’clock (not her fault but for some reason lots of flights from Oz always arrive at 5.30am, I’m surprised I haven’t fallen asleep yet … I shouldn’t be complaining though because I’m not the one that’s flown for over 24 hours … and poor Teesh has to stay up until at least 10.30pm tonight so we can go see Hairspray! At least she’s looking pretty awake in this photo!