Walkers Crisps – Chilli & Chocolate

A new promotion by Walkers has the public choosing the next new flavour from a range of six: Builder’s Breakfast, Cripsy Duck & Hoi Sin, Onion Bhaji, Chilli & Chocolate, Fish & Chips and Cajun Squirrel. These six had been shortlisted from apparently “zillions” of entries submitted to Walkers in an earlier promotion. Even though the public get to vote on the eventually winning flavour the real winner is the person who suggested the flavour in the first place with £50,000 and 1% of future sales. Nice!

For so me reason the Chilli & Chocolate crisps caught my eye today as I was doing my grocery shop so I couldn’t resist giving them a taste. What a surprise! The crisps did really taste like Chilli & Chocolate. That’s not to say it’s a particularly great flavour in a crisp but I’m impressed in how Walkers have managed to capture the essence of this combination.

Closing date for the vote is 1 May so get chomping!