Afternoon Tea at Claridges

 It was high time to have another high time experience. Akhlaq arranged for four of us to check out Afternoon Tea in The Foyer at  Claridges. Walking in it was almost like seeing The Ritz all over again. It was a fairly similar set up though there was also a violinist and pianist to provide the background music. I can’t remember the Ritz having that.

We were taken to a room off to the side of the main room where the decor was much darker. Both rooms were  equally full with patrons and I guess thats to do with the fact that Afternoon Tea is offered only once daily where The Ritz offered five sittings a day.

 The tea menu offerred a variety of black, green, and herbal teas plus coffee. I tried two sorts of tea including a green tea which had a very strong taste of popcorn and a black tea that tasted of cinammon.

The food consisted of finger sandwiches (pretty much the same as what I had at the Ritz: Smoked Salmon,  Egg Mayonnaise with Cress, Ham, Chicken and Cucumber with Cream Cheese), desserts (much better variety than the Ritz) and Scones with Devonshire Clotted Cream and preserve. All very good and all very tasty.

The Claridges experience was a lot of fun even though I felt like a fish out of water amongst all that finery!

3 thoughts on “Afternoon Tea at Claridges

  1. What did people think of you as you took close up shots of cakes and sandwiches?

  2. Sandra. Unfortunately Akh was too shy to have his photo taken with the blazer (he was worried about attracting all the girls …) and Earl Grey, I’m sure people were jealous of me having beautiful pictures of cakes and sandwiches … I could feel it.

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