The Day The Earth Stood Still

We were up in Milton Keynes overnight for work and after exploring the theatre district (by exploring I mean having dinner at TGIF as all the restaurant we found seemed to be chains!, playing a few arcade games in the Xtreme centre, and checking out the indoor ski slope) Jules and I weren’t left which much to do for the night so we decided to catch a flick. The Day The Earth Stood Still, starring Keanu Reeves, was it for the night.

I didn’t actually know what the movie was about but I think it is mostly an environmental message movie – a kind of warning for us that we are destroying the earth. It was a part action part science fiction type movie. This is the kind of movie that suits Keanu to a tee – he is required to deliver a basically emotionless, stoic character which requires no change in facial features and an enviable constant calm. So … he played this role perfectly!

Impact-wise the movie had lots of special effects etc., I especially liked the touch of including a giant robot with Cyclops style laser eyes which Jules and I found absolutely hilarious although I don’t think we were supposed to find that funny, and the special effects did prove effective but in the end I kind of thought “its not the worst movie I’ve even seen” and that “it was just okay.” Thoughts which were strangely echoed by those walking behind us when we walked out the cinema it seemed! This luke-warm reaction is probably not the kind of reaction movie-makers would like to hear about their movie.