Salsa – stepping it up

Last week I spoke about the dilemma of not being quite a beginner anymore at Salsa but not being sure that I was ready to go up to the next level. Well, tonight we did it – we went up to the intermediate (or was it improvers)! It was really tough going. Michael, who is this really big buff guy but with amazing grace when he moves, was our instructor but he also had a partner with him. On the one hand it was great having the girl there to show us the moves, but on the other hand the two of them went really quickly through the steps. By the end of the lesson I was sort of getting a hold on the moves but it was not easy let me tell you. I felt really sorry for all my male partners but it was great to be able to constantly rotate to partners who could actually lead (wrong or right)! I’m still having a bit of trouble following their lead, especially when I know they are not leading me correctly, but hopefully its something that I can keep working on. We dropped back to the beginner class for the second half of the evening and found it soooo much easier and quick to pick up so although I’m not confident I can handle the intermediate class I think we really can’t go back to the beginner class, especially for the first half. I think we really need something in between … or a better teacher?