Salsa – 2 month anniversary!

So I’m proud to say that we have made two straight months of going to salsa (tonight being our eighth week) and whilst I wouldn’t say we are experts just quite yet we definitely can’t classify ourselves as beginners any longer. We have actually reached the stage where we are criticizing the “new” beginners. Okay, maybe criticizing is a harsh word – more like realizing that its getting harder to make steady improvements when you’re dancing with people who have only just begun. Its especially tough for the women in the class considering it’s the men who are supposed to be leading, although Jules can tell you a story or two about some very obstinate ladies who would prefer to lead.

The great thing about Moe’s classes is that although he does go over some basics at the beginning – he also realises that most of us have been around for a few classes and tries to incorporate a few new things every week so we’re always learning a new routine, even if we have forgotten about it the following week. Tonight we learned a new type of salsa – Salsa Rueda – where you still dance as a couple but basically in a circle with other couples. There is someone who calls out the moves and then you move back and forth, switch partners, spin etc. Unlike couple dancing, you really need to be aware of everyone else and have very good timing. It was great when it worked and I hope some of the boys picked up a thing or two about their timing!

Anyway, watch this space to see if we overcome the not-really-beginners-anymore-but-not-quite-ready-for-the-next-level dilemma!