
Matterbox first appeared on the scene about February 2008 promising a “new way for companies to talk to [the public] by giving [away] real, physical items.” It worked on the basis of people signing up to participate. However, it was only about a year later that the first Matterbox actually got sent out and both Sandra and I still missed out on this box. The second Matterbox came out another year later or was it two and finally we got something out of the premise. It wasn’t a bad box to be honest containing such items as a mini Original Source shower gel, a new Cadbury chocolate, some mini books and a Lovefilm DVD cleaning cloth, but there were also some rubbish items such as recipes for cocktails, and an O2 sim pack (couldn’t understand this as you could get it from O2 direct.)

Today I received the next box and it was seriously a big waste of time and money. The Biggest Waste. Ever.

As Official Treat Provider of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Cadbury have been running a series of events called Spots v Stripes to encourage the nation to be involved in all sorts of weird games. In aid of this Cadbury were the “sponsor” of the next box. The product of this box was this:

A Spots v Stripes pocketgame. Very disappointed not to even get a bar of chocolate with it. Seriously. The Biggest Waste. Ever.

And unbelievably someone even tried to ebay the item …