London at Night

I said earlier that Mirela’s door might as well be a revolving one for all the visitors she is having at the moment. For this week it is her Aunt and two cousins (Olga and Eleftheria) who live on
the floor below Mirela’s family in Athens. I had previously met her Aunt and Eleftheria when I was in Athens last December.

Mirela’s Aunt has been to London a few times before but I think quite a long time ago. Still she seemed to remember quite a few things about London. Also she seemed quite keen to see all the sights again and also to show her daughters. Tonight we went on a massive walk from Piccadilly Circus through Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square to Embankment and along the river back to Westminster.

Its nice that London is such a walkable city at night. Although there are clearly still come dangerous areas that you should be wary of if you stick to the touristy areas you can walk around at midnight (which was what we did tonight!) and still feel quite safe. We also dropped in to Victoria on the way home to meet up with Olga’s “boyfriend”. She seemed quite embarassed to be meeting up with him – I think mainly because she wasn’t interested in him (its one of those long distance affairs which has since waned) and also her mum seemed quite keen that they hook up! LOL. Ah .. young love – she is only 18 after all.