M&M World

An M&M world opened up in Leicester Square I think about a month or so ago and boy is it popular with the tourists! I could well understand the fascination having visited the outpost in Timesquare New York about a billion times though many people wonder what on earth people find fascinating in the store. I personally just love seeing all the merchandise – and there is a lot of it! From an M&M selling perspective disappointingly the store only sells plain M&Ms and peanut M&Ms and as impressive as the wall of M&M dispensers is (in every colour imaginable) at the end of the day you could get the same M&Ms in a supermarket. I’m hoping that they bring in the ones I really want like the mint crispy M&Ms that I can get in Oz, or the coconut ones I’ve seen in other countries.

There are lots of photo opportunities in the store, another reason many tourists love the place including a Beatles Pedestrian Crossing on the bottom floor, long queues on that one. There is also an M&M lab where you can see M&Ms being formed or packed. But the thing I like is the Period Table of M&Ms.

Rehana thought her matching M&M was the Clumsy Yellow guy …

… whereas I was, rather appropriately with my green nail polish, Flirty. 😉