James Thierree’s La Veillee des Abysses

I’m really starting to like the Peacock Theatre. The two shows that I’ve seen there (including tonight’s) have both been weirdly fantastic.

La Veillee des Abysses starts with a storm with five people fighting against it behind a gauze curtain – definitely an interesting start to this evening’s performance. Again I can’t find the words to describe the show – I guess it is kind of like a circus – with a mix of dance, theatre, acrobatics and clowning with scenes seamlessly morphing into the next with minimal interruption to the flow.

To give you an idea of what we witnessed there are five performers in the show each with their own particular strength:
– Creator, dancer, comic: James Thiérrée (purportedly Charlie Chaplin’s grandson)
– Opera singer and pianist Uma Ysamat
– Contortionist Raphälle Boitel
– Dancer Niklas Ek and
– Capoeira dancer Thiago Martins.

There is no real plot but what you get is magic. Not in the literal sense but in the sense that it must have been magic that allowed this performance tonight to come together for the visual and aural treat we were served. I feel like I’m gushing but the show definitely deserves it.

Catch it where you can – you won’t regret it.