Duck and Free B&J Ice Cream

Sandra and I met up for a Crispy Duck date tonight … cute fishies …

.. I didn’t think we’d ordered that much to eat over dinner until I went to go and claim a free Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and was halfway through it before starting to feel super full. Sandra was on a no dessert plan for Lent she handed me her ice cream too! It was a real struggle to get through them both!

Every year B&J have this Free Cone Day. It’s a great marketing ploy to raise their profile. The odd thing is that they don’t even limit how many cones you can have. I was speaking to two people in line and one of them had been moving through the queue since 3pm and when I was speaking to him was currently waiting for this 16th cone! The other girl was on her 9th! Crazy what people would do for free foods!