The Fighter

James and I went to see the delicious (my word not James’) Marky Mark in The Fighter tonight at Westfield. The screening was in one of Westfield’s Gold Class or “Scene” screens – a truly luxury experience with reclining seats, private bar, private loos and I think you can get unlimited popcorn if you pay a little extra – tickets are a little on the pricey side but Orange Wednesdays makes it a little more palatable. I was wondering how they control access to the cinema as there was this one lady who clearly didn’t have a ticket and kept sitting down in various seats but having to move as the true occupants claimed their seats. Too bad she picked Orange Wednesday to cheat Vue!

The Fighter is a biographical drama focusing on the life of professional boxers Micky Ward and his older half-brother Dicky Eklund. Mickey has had a modest career and Dicky had one highlight in his boxing career but has since spiraled down into the depths of crack addiction. Dicky is being filmed for what he believes is a HBO documentary on his comeback … but turns out to be a doco on what crack addiction does to a career.

There are no real surprises or thrilling moments in the film (its less about the action in the ring than outside of it) – but it is solidly written and genuinely and passionately acted. I will always love Marky Mark but you gotta give Christian Bale his due – he really has this method acting stuff down pat. Both are well supported by an array of cast members including Amy Adams and Melissa Leo.