Sushi Date with Sandra

Sandra and I thought we should put our sushi making lessons to use by making dinner. It also was a good opportunity to check out her and Jules’ new digs.

We started the day by heading off to a farmer’s market to get some fresh salmon and other ingredients. Going to the local markets has a sense of rightness both in the freshness of the foods and also the feeling you’re supporting locals and not just a giant company. Then we went to the giant company, Waitrose, to get the rest of our ingredients. Ha ha.

Sushi making is a lot of fun. But the problem with sushi is that you use a heck of a lot of rice but you can only really feasibly used a small portion of your ingredients. As a result I think I ate more crab sticks and salmon and prawns than actually went into our sushi. Heh heh.

I can’t say I’m the best sushi roller in the world – in fact I’m downright horrible as I can never get the ingredients centred and I always over-fill the sushi but you gotta admit that no matter how bad you are the end product still looks pretty. The ones that look the best are Sandra’s!

Its fair to say we made way too much sushi – even for three people we had enough leftovers to feed ourselves for at least another meal.