Salsa at Bar Salsa

It has been goodness knows how long since I last went and had a salsa – in fact I think it was probably something like a year and a half ago since Jules and I stopped going! Where does time go?!

So tonight, inspired by a friend’s email, Mirela, her father and I went along to the salsa lessons at Bar Salsa. I’ve never been to what I’ve always thought was quite a touristy and non-genuine destination for salsa but I must admit it was actually a lot of fun – there were soooo many dancers in there and also many spectactors so it was a very good atmosphere. Trying to work out whether we’d missed the start of our lesson or not was hard as when we got there lessons were already going on and it was hard to tell if they were finishing or just starting. Just as well we hung around for another 20 minutes – which was how long the first leg of lessons actually overran.

Bar Salsa is a much bigger venue than Bar Cuba ever was and the lessons were spread all over the place. That didn’t stop it being an absolute crush on the dancefloor though.

When it came to lessons Mirela somehow convinced me to go for the intermediate stage (over the improvers which was where I wanted to go and which was the level just above beginners.) the intermediate stage had its positives (more men than women so you always had a partner) and negatives (very scary dance moves – I wasn’t prepared at all but by the end I think I had it sorted.)

After our lessons they of course opened the floor up to the Club part of the night. I was actually just planning on piking out of the clubbing part of the night but there were plenty of guys who were offering to dance with me which was intimidating since my complement of moves comprises the back step, forward step, mamba, side step and open position! Very basic! However, I learnt important lesson – it is so much easier to salsa when the guy can actually lead you and you don’t need to learn a routine to be able to salsa. What a work out is all I can say!