StreetDance 3D

Predictability and un-originality of the story aside (let’s face it how a dance movie is ever going to have an original story I don’t know) StreetDance3D brings a new element to the dance genre movie – 3D. Its only a few of months ahead of the mega franchise Step Up which will be releasing its own 3D movie shortly but in my view in this genre of movie – the more the merrier! As long as its got kickin’ dance movies and a pumping soundtrack its got my tick of approval irrespective.

In StreetDance 3D a streetdance crew training for the national championships are left leaderless, venueless and spiritless when their “leader” deserts them (cue predictable twist in the movie from this aspect.) His girlfriend is the natural successor but at first she struggles to keep the crew together and motivated. Eventually she hooks them up with a ballet school and the ballerinas (cue teacher who will think outside of the box to support this motley crew) leading to melding of classical and street styles for the national championships.

There were four things I loved about this movie:
1. Being set in London. It was fantastic that I knew every single spot the movie was shot in from spots by the Thames, to spots in the streets of London, to rooftop venue.
2. Actually knowing some of the performers who were starring in the film and having seen them live!
3. The choreography was AMAZING. I don’t know dance but it was tremendously creative and innovative. Great skills by the dancers to pull it off.
4. Music – it certainly had Laney and nearly up and dancing!

I’d watch this movie time and time again there’s no doubt. Oh and it doesn’t help that the dancers were all quite attractive too! Heh heh!