Iron Man 2

I loved Iron Man 2! I had just watched the first Iron Man the day before so that was fresh in my mind. In my humble opinion this is one of those rare occasions that the sequel was better than the first (though I think people have a different opinion).

The first one was all about the Man and there was quite a back story to it before I thought it really got moving. In Iron Man 2 we of course know all about him and though Iron Man gets a little bit indulgent and dare I saw a little annoying as a character the movie itself was still rather amusing. Perhaps it was the addition of the extremely hot Scarlett Johansson, as the Black Widow, (even if she kind of played a fairly 2-D character) but I just felt there was more going on in this one. Robert Downey Jr (damn that man is some kind of sexy) delivered in his role as Iron Man/Tony Stark and I liked the contributions, though small, of Samuel L Jackson’s Nick Fury. If there was any failing there was almost too much going on with loads of threads going this way and that. Visually it was a feast for the eyes without going over the top on the CGI.

Thumbs up for this second coming.