Anglesea Arms

For ease of simplicity 1 March has always been heralded as the first day of spring though technically I don’t think its Spring until the middle of March. Still, there were signs that London is starting to thaw out a little. We had a lovely lunch in the beer garden at Anglesea Arms. It was even warm enough, under the sun at least, to sit in just a short sleeved top though I note none of my fellow diners, all English, felt quite brave enough to follow me. Heh heh.

The Anglsea Arms is not a typical pub. Priding itself on daily revolving menu it features such interesting offerings such as a Pint of Prawns; Pigeon, Foie Gras Salad, Pomegranate, Greens; and Pink Veal. I was feeling the Broccoli, Feta and Almond Tart:

Yummo! And what a lovely way to spend a glorious day!