Lasagne a la Jenny

After a hard day at work Jenny was kind enough to cook up some lasagne at her new digs. Technically her digs aren’t so new anymore as I think she moved in to her current living space quite a few months ago but this is the first time we’ve both had evenings free at the same time.

I was impressed that she cooked everything pretty much from scratch. The garlic butter for the garlic bread she put together herself and even though I expressed doubt at the amount of parsley in it (the butter seeming more green than yellow – ha ha) it ended up suiting the bread very well.

The lasagne was also not made from bottled sauce which I was happy to see. Surprisingly it didn’t take as long to cook as I thought it might though we were famished by the time we sat down to eat the garlic bread.

Here are the three faces of the chef of the night:

Below is the finished product on my plate and what was left at the end of our meal. We weren’t particularly hungry after we’d had our first and second serves but the lasagne – weakness – was too good to resist. Besides we had to keep Pecan company whilst he had his mini-lasagne …. (see the empty casserole dish in the background) 🙂

Simply Dee – Lish.

2 thoughts on “Lasagne a la Jenny

  1. Delicious in a different way! Ha ha. I think yours seemed to have some extra spice of some sort in it? I can’t remember if I ever pinned down which spice it was exactly?

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