Laney’s Sushi Party

Laney got back to London a couple of days ago after spending a couple of months back in sunny Perth over Christmas and New York. To welcome her back her flat hosted a sushi party. Sushi is a great idea and I love going out for sushi but when you put it into practice at home you generally end up with a whole load of sushi made with only one ingredient! because as you can imagine you don’t need a whole lot of ingredients with the main component being rice!

Therefore the idea of a sushi party is great because you get to share your sushi creation with a load of people which means a wider variety in what you’re sampling.

We had a great night tonight. The superior sushi maker was definitely Randy, who took to it like he was an expert (he’d done it once or twice before) even going for an inside out roll and attempting ngiri. My sushi roll, though not the most professional, was the most definitely the largest though I had a hard time sealing it with all the ingredients I’d stuff into it. Tasty though. Heh heh.

How cute is Laney’s rice cooker (the little one on the left)!