
We Do Things Differently

We’ve almost arrived at the end of my first two week course for internal training. We’d normally hold it in our offices, but space in the office is a huge premium with so many active projects. We’ve had to move our training sessions to the Royal Orchard Hotel. We hold our sessions in one of the conference rooms and I’ve noticed a distinct difference between sessions we’ve held and those that the different groups of people next door hold.

Our sessions use a blend of techniques including individual brainstorming, group brainstorming, facilitated discussion, reflective exercises and a group exercise combined with discussions about principles.

In contrast, the sessions held next door are often a single speaker presenting uni-directionally at the audience with a barrage of powerpoint slides.

As a coach, as a teacher, and as believer in agile methods, respecting people and their individual mechanisms for learning are motives enough to teach using a variety of techniques, especially in group situations. I like to think that our company thinks differently, more effectively, and hopefully much more fun.

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