The intersection of technology and leadership

Category: Organisations (Page 3 of 6)

A Tech Lead Paradox: Consistency vs Improvement

Agile Manifesto signatory Jim Highsmith talks about riding paradoxes in his approach to Adaptive Leadership.

A leader will find themselves choosing between two solutions or two situations that compete against each other. A leader successfully “rides the paradox” when they adopt an “AND” mindset, instead of an “OR” mindset. Instead of choosing one solution over another, they find a way to satisfy both situations, even though they contradict one another.

A common Tech Lead paradox is the case of Consistency versus Improvement.

The case for consistency

Code is easier to understand, maintain and modify when it is consistent. It is so important, that there is a wiki page on the topic and the 1999 classic programming book, The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master had a chapter titled, “The Evils of Duplication.” Martin Fowler wrote about similar code smells, calling them “Divergent Change” and “Shotgun Surgery” in his Refactoring book.

Consistency ultimately helps other developers (or even your future-self) change code with less mental burden figuring out of there will be unwanted side-effects.

The case for improvement

Many developers want to use the latest and greatest tool, framework or programming language. Some examples: Java instead of C/C++, Python/Ruby instead of Java, JavaScript (Node) instead of Python/Ruby and then Clojure in place of JavaScript. The newest and latest technologies promise increased productivity, fewer bugs and more effective software development. Something that we all want. They promise the ability to accomplish something with fewer lines of code, or a simpler, clearer way to write something.

The conflict

Software is meant to be soft. Software is meant to be changed. A successful codebase will evolve over time, but the more features and changes a codebase has, the harder it becomes to add something new without making the codebase inconsistent. When a new technology is added to the mix, there is suddenly two ways of accomplishing the same thing. Multiple this over time and number of transitions, and a codebase suddenly has eight different ways of accomplishing

Transitioning everything to a new technology is a function takes time. Making a change to an old part of the system is a gamble. Leaving the codebase as it is makes potentially new change in this area hard. That new change may never happen. Migrating everything over has the risk of introducing unwanted side-effects and taking time that may never be worth it.

To the developer wanting the new technology, the change appears easy. To those who have to follow up with change (i.e. other team members or future team members) it may not be so clear. Making it consistent takes time away from developing functionality. Business stakeholders want (understandably) justification.

Phil Calçado (@pcalcado) tweeted about this paradox:

As a dev, I love going for the shiny language. As a manager, I want a mature ecosystem and heaps of bibliography on how to write decent apps

What does a Tech Lead do?

Tech Leads ride the paradox by encouraging improvement and continually seeking consistency. But how? Below I provide you with a number of possible solutions.

Use Spike Solutions

Spikes are a time-boxed XP activity to provide an answer to a simple question. Tech Leads can encourage spike solutions to explore whether or not a new technology provides the foreseeable benefit.

Improvement spikes are usually written stand-alone – either in a branch or on a separate codebase. They are written with the goal of learning something as fast as possible, without worrying about writing maintainable code. When the spike is over, the spike solution should be thrown away.

Spikes provide many benefits over discussion because a prototype better demonstrates the benefits and problems given a particular codebase and problem domain. The spike solution provides a cheap way to experiment before committing to a particular direction.

Build a shared roadmap

Improvements are easy to make to a small, young codebase. Everything is easily refactored to design a new tool/technology. It’s the larger longer-lived codebases that are more difficult to change because more has been built up on the foundations that must be changed.

A Tech Lead establishes a shared understanding with the team of what “good” looks like. Specifically, which tool/technology should be used for new changes. They keep track of older instances, looking to transition them across where possible (and where it makes sense).

Techniques like the Mikado Method are indispensable for tackling problems that eating away at the bigger problem.

Playback the history

A new developer sees five different ways of doing the same thing. What do they do? A Tech Lead pre-empts this problem by recounting the story of how change was introduced, what was tried when and what the current preferred way of doing things are.

Ideally the Tech Lead avoids having five different ways of accomplishing the same thing, but when not possible, they provide a clear way ahead.

If you liked this article, you will be interested in “Talking with Tech Leads,” a book that shares real life experiences from over 35 Tech Leads around the world. Now available on Leanpub.

The Definition of a Tech Lead

There are many names for leadership roles in software development such as Senior Developer, Architect, Technical Lead, Team Lead, and Engineering Manager. These are just a few. To me, the Technical Leader (Tech Lead) plays an unique and essential role that others cannot.

The Definition

The Short: A Tech Lead is a software engineer, responsible for leading a development team, and responsible for the quality of its technical deliverables.

Tech Lead

The Long: Leading a development team is no easy task. An effective Tech Lead establishes a technical vision with the development team and works with developers to turn it into reality. Along the way, a Tech Lead takes on traits that other roles may have, such as a Team Lead, Architect or Software Engineering Manager but they remain hands-on with code.

To make the most effective choices and to maintain trust and empathy with developers, a Tech Lead must code. In “The Geek’s Guide to Leading Teams” presentation, I talked about an ideal minimum time of about 30%.

Effective Tech Leads Code
An extract from the The Geek’s Guide to Leading Teams presentation

Not just a Team Lead

Early in my career, I worked on a team that had both a Tech Lead and a Team Lead. The Team Lead didn’t have much of a technical background and had a strong focus on the people side and tracking of tasks. They would have 1-to-1s with people on the team, and co-ordinate with outside stakeholders to schedule meetings that didn’t interrupt development time where possible.

The Team and Tech Lead

While the Team Lead focused on general team issues, the Tech Lead focused on technical matters that affected more than just one developer. They stepped in on heated technical debates, and worked with outside stakeholders to define technical options and agree on solutions for future streams of work. They wrote code with the other developers and sometimes called for development “huddles” to agree on a direction.

More hands-on than an Engineering Manager

You manage things, you lead people – Grace Hopper

Any reasonably-sized IT organisation has an Engineering Manager. They are responsible for more than one development, and have tasks that include:

  • Maintaining a productive working environment for development teams.
  • Acquiring appropriate budget for development to support business goals.
  • Representing the technology perspective on a management or board level.
  • Establishes and/or co-ordinates programmes of work (delivered through development).
  • Responsible for overall IT headcount.

Engineering Manager

Depending on the size of an organisation, an Engineering Manager may also be called a Chief Technical Officer (CTO) or Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Head of Software Development.

Although an Engineering Manager represents technology, they are often very far-removed from a development team and rarely code. In contrast, a Tech Lead sits with developers, very much focused on moving them towards their goal. They work to resolve technical disputes, and are watchful of technical decisions that have long-term consequences. A Tech Lead works closely with the Engineering Manager to build an ideal work environment.

A good Architect looks like a Tech Lead

The Architect role ensures overall application architecture suitably fits the business problem, for now and for the future. In some organisations, Architects work with the team to establish and validate their understanding of architecture. A suitable amount of standardisation helps productivity. Too much standardisation kills innovation.

Some organisations have the “Ivory Tower Architect” who swoops in to consult, standardise and document. They float from team-to-team, start new software projects, and rarely follow up to see the result of their initial architectural vision.

An effective Architect looks like a good Tech Lead. They establish a common understanding of what the team is aiming for, and make adjustments as the team learns more about the problem and the technology chosen to solve it.

What is a Tech Lead responsible for?

You may ask yourselves, what exactly does a Tech Lead do, or what are they accountable and responsible for? I’ve actually already addressed that in this article about the Tech Lead’s Circles of Responsibilities.

What is a Tech lead again?

A successful Tech Lead takes on responsibilities that sit with roles such as the Team Lead, the Architect and the Engineering Manager. They bring a unique blend of leadership and management skills applied in a technical context with a team of developers. The Tech Lead steers a team towards a common technical vision, writing code at least 30% of the time.

If you liked this article exploring the Tech Lead role, you will be interested in “Talking with Tech Leads,” a book that shares real life experiences from over 35 Tech Leads around the world. Now available on Leanpub.

Update from Sep 2018: Short definition from “A Tech Lead is a developer who is responsible for leading a development team” to “A Tech Lead is a software engineer, responsible for leading a development team, and responsible for the quality of its technical deliverables.”

Disrupt yourself, or someone else will

A couple of days ago, Apple announced their new range of iPads including a mini with a retina display and a lighter, thinner full-sized iPad. Notice anything strange about their prices?

iPad2 Pricing

As can see the new mini retina priced at exactly the same price point as the (old) ipad2. Seem strange? You’re not the only one to think so as outlined by a comment from this appleinsider article.


This isn’t the first time Apple have priced a new product at the same as an older product (and probably won’t be the last).

The Innovator’s Dilemma
In the book, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, the author shows organisations that fail to embrace new technologies because they focus on the success of a single product or technology.

By offering these lines (new and old) Apple effectively segments their market into the early adopters of technology while providing (older and probably less appealing) options to all others. A conflict of features (retina display in a smaller form factor) makes users decide what is more important to them.

By removing the older iPad2, they effectively force consumers to move to the new platform and some of their customers may be happy with the existing product. Apple is effectively disrupting themself before their competition can.

Uses our cognitive biases

Having the same price point for a newer technology also taps into the anchoring cognitive bias (sometimes called the relativity trap).

Without the older product in the lineup, the newer products would not appear so appealing. The “anchor” of the older product is effectively pushing people to the newer products.

A person would ask:

Why would I buy older technology for the same price?

and then make the trade off for a smaller size, or if they want a newer size, pay another premium for it.

Book review: “This is service design thinking”

A couple of years ago, a very kind Product Manager gave me a book called “This is Service Design Thinking.” It was shrink-wrapped and everything after they had received it on a training course. I finally got around to reading it this weekend. The book is beautifully made… hard cover, thick pages and even with little coloured book mark ribbons strewn throughout.

I consider myself lucky, having worked with many different user experience folk who have helped shape my understanding of Service Design and this book helped to add a few more tools to my toolkit and a nice way of trying to shape it. When we write software, we already incorporate a lot of the design thinking concepts – really trying to understand the “touch points” that a customer has with an organisation and how software fits into these different needs. We don’t always get to work at a high level of an organisation – something that I believe is necessary if you are truly going to help shape or influence an organisation’s service offering to customers. Software is only one part of the puzzle. However it is becoming more and more relevant as software (or hosted software) starts to become a major or only channel for service delivery to customers.

This is Service Design Thinki

We already make use of many of the tools described, but a few new ones to me included:

  • Service safaris – A nice name for the technique of visiting people to observe them interacting with an existing service.
  • Cultural probes – The “probe” in a scientific sense but basically a kit given to customers to allow them to take snapshots of their own life in the context of a service to build a greater awareness of what’s important to them. These probes stay with candidates for a while but a researcher may send texts or emails to prompt for a different insight. Requires constant attention to the information being submitted back
  • Expectation maps – Building a visualisation of what a customer expects when they interact with a service. Useful for comparing different expectations across different touchpoints, or offerings.
  • Desktop walkthrough – I haven’t seen this technique probably because it seems to demand more preparation than others. Basically this is a 3D small scale model of a service environment that allows people to interact with it. I can see this being highly engaging.
  • Service Roleplay – A scenario where staff members are asked to enact several situations where they might come into contact with a customer. Video is often used to provide feedback and act as a basis for discussion.
  • Customer lifecycle maps – A holistic view of a customer’s relationship with a service provider. Their example one maps out loyalty over time. I can see the map being annotated by events to trigger insight

I really enjoyed the book. There are some nice studies at the end. I did protest at the simplified description of “Agile software development” but it’s small detail in the larger set of things. My only gripe is that the beauty of the book comes at the price of being significantly heavy to lug around.

Book Review: Rethinking the Future

I recently finished the book, “Rethinking the Future” and I have to say how impressed I was by the book. The book is structured as a collection of essays from different well-known leaders and authors in different fields. I knew many, but not all, of the contributors and, as a result, the book offers a wide variety of perspectives. Some that complement, others that contrast with each author’s very opinionated view of the “future.” Bearing in mind this edition of the book was published in 1998, I find it interesting to see how still relevant many of the writings are today.

Rethinking the Future

Definitely focused as a business book, the contents are divided into different chapters trying to envisage the future from many different angles includes the way that businesses work, competition, control and complexity, leadership, markets and the world view. The book resonates very strongly with some of the works recently published such as truly understands what motivates people (i.e. Dan Pink’s Drive), or the need for management to balance even more and more states of paradox (e.g. Jim Highsmith’s Adaptive Leadership).

I don’t necessarily agree with all of the contributions in the book, particularly the idea of being focused on a single thing as described in the chapter, “Focused in a Fuzzy World.” I agree some focus is important, but I also believe in order to innovate, you sometimes have to unfocus. I see this as the problem often described by the Innovator’s Dilemma.

Book Review: Thriving on Chaos

The good thing about long plane trips is the ability to catch up on books. One of the ones on my list was a book by Tom Peters, called Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution.

This isn’t a particularly new book, first published in 1987 and the edition I read published in 1989, however the content remains just as appropriate as it is today. The author describes the way that the world is changing – ever unpredictable, new emerging markets, constantly changing conditions. Sound familiar? Since then, I believe it has becomes even more rapid and even more chaotic, and so his advice is largely relevant today.

Thriving on Chaos

The book is written as a set of edicts for people to follow. It covers everything from focusing on the customer (sounds a bit like Design Thinking and Users as the heart of the process), ideas around innovation and very relevant to the items James and I talked about in our talk about “How successful companies innovate“, through to empowering people in the organisation, building capacity for change and organisational advice on structures that need to change to cope in this world.

What was strange reading this old book was how it felt very lean/Toyota Way inspired. A lot of the advice is told in stories that relate to manufacturing, and although the world is very different today, the focus on knowledge work, failing fast and much of his advice is still completely relevant to the work that we do today. Almost everything in the book today seems very relevant, with the only piece of advice that remains a bit dated being about incentivising and aligning people with money even though new research says otherwise.

Even as a simplification, it is worth reading the headers from the book:

Creating Total Customer Responsiveness

  • Specialise, create niches, differentiate
  • Provide top quality, as perceived by the customer
  • Provide superior services, emphasise the intangibles
  • Achieve extraordinary responsiveness
  • Be an internationalist
  • Create uniqueness
  • Becomes obsessed with listening
  • Turn manufacturing into a marketing weapon
  • Make sales and service forces into heroes
  • Launch a customer revolution

Pursing fast-paced innovation

  • Invest in application-oriented small starts
  • Pursue team product, service development
  • Encourage pilots of everything
  • Practice “Creative Swiping”
  • Make word-of-mouth marketing systematic
  • Support committed champions
  • “Model” innovation, practice purposeful impatience
  • Support fast failures
  • Set quantitative innovation goals
  • Create a corporate capacity for innovation

Achieving Flexibility by Empowering People

  • Involve everyone in everything
  • Use self-managing teams
  • Listen, celebrate, recognise
  • Spend time lavishly on recruiting
  • Train and retrain
  • Provide incentive pay for everyone
  • Provide an employment guarantee
  • Simply, reduce structure
  • Reconceive the middle manager’s role
  • Eliminate bureaucratic rules and humiliating conditions

Learning to love change: A new view of leadership at all levels

  • Master paradox
  • Develop an inspiring vision
  • Manage by example
  • Practice visible management
  • Pay attention! (More listening)
  • Defer to the front line
  • Delegate
  • Pursue “Horizontal” management by bashing bureaucracy
  • Evaluate everyone on his or her love of change
  • Create a sense of urgency

Building systems for a world turned upside down

  • Measure what is important
  • Revamp the chief control tools
  • Decentralise information, authority, and strategic planning
  • Set conservative goals
  • Demand Total Integrity

Looking back at a year with a client

Over the last twelve months, I’ve worked with a client to rebuild a digital platform and a team to deliver it. It’s now time for us to leave, and a perfect time to reflect on how things went. The digital platform rebuild was part of a greater transformation programme that also involved the entire business changing alongside at almost all levels of people in the organisation. The programme also outlined, before we arrived, outlined a complete change in all technology platforms as well (CRM, CMS, website) to be rebuilt for a more integrated and holistic service offering.

Our part in this program turned into building the new web digital platform, working against a very high level roadmap, and a hard marketing deadline. We ended up building the site using Ruby on Rails serving content driven by a 3rd party decisioning platform (much like Amazon recommendations) guided by the business vision of better tailored content for end users. We didn’t have much input into the final choice of several products. I’m very proud of the end result, particularly given the tense and short-timed framed environment in which we worked. Here are some examples of constraints we worked with:

  • 4 Product Owners over the span of 11 months – From January this year, through to the end of October, the business was onto its fourth Product Owner for the digital platform. Building a consistent product is pretty much nigh impossible with changing product hands, and trying to bridge work from one Product Owner to the next was definitely a challenge.
  • Constant churn in the business – The 4 product owners is one instance, but we would often be working with people in the business to work out what should be done, only to find that the following week they were no longer with the business.
  • 3 Design Agencies engaged resulting in “reskinning” approved by the board before the 6 month public launch – We saw several “design changes” done by firms well stocked with people capable of generating beautifully-rendered PDFs that were signed off. However often these would imply new functional work, or be impractical to the web medium.
  • Marketing deadlines announced well before the development team had been engaged – A common pattern in the business was marketing launching a press release announcing a date, well before the people involved in delivering it were made aware, or even consulted on it.
  • PM Explosion – At one point, it felt like we had more Project Managers on the group planning out work with budgets and timelines that would be approved well before the development team had been approached.

Even with these constraints we’ve been able to deploy to production 37 times in the last three months and more since the original MVP go-live in July. Part of what I’m particularly proud of is the team where we were able to achieve the following:

  • Building an Evolvable Architecture – We questioned the original choice and need for a CMS but with a constraint that a decision had been made on buying these tools, we architected a solution that would hide the implementation details of the CMS via a content service. With our TW experience and pain dealing with CMSes that are shadowed by business need, we wanted something that would not constrain what the business could achieve (hence the decoupling). We even had a chance to prove this out when the business requirements quickly hit the limit of the CMS’s built in categorisation module.
  • Responding to Change – The business roadmaps seems to change on a daily basis, and our team was able to quickly tack to accommodate these business changes. We changed the team structure as the team size increased, changed the team structure as we went live, and again as people in the business changed. Whilst our process felt similar, it would look nothing like a textbook XP, Scrum or Kanban process.
  • Improving the Process – Our team has been constantly trying to change the process not only internally to the development team, but also helping people in the business find ways of improving their own way of working. Progress has been slow as the change that starts falters as people leave. Retrospectives have been a key tool but also has the ability for the team to feel empowered with recommending and pursuing improvements they see fit.
  • Setting an example of transparency – Showcases are key to the business, and we would offer fortnightly showcases to the features built to the entire organisation. Huge numbers of people came along and I found it fascinating that it was one place where people had an opportunity to talk across silos. This sometimes slowed down our ability to show what we had actually done, but I felt exposed missing communication structures that people still needed.

At a technical level, I’m really proud of some of the principles I wanted to achieve at the start and that the team lived throughout (I’d love to hear what their experience is). Some of these include:

  • Fast developer setup – Getting started on each new machine should be fast without complicated installation processes
  • Developers rotating through operations – There’s nothing like supporting the code you wrote to help developers understand the importance of logging, test cases that are missed and just experiencing what production support is like
  • DevOps culture – Everyone on the team is capable of navigating puppet, knowing where to look for configuration changes and ensuring that applications are configurable enough to be deployed without special builds across environments.
  • Continuous Delivery – Our second product owner (the first transitioned out the day we went live) actually asked for us to release less often (i.e. it is a business decision to go-live) so that they could work with the rest of the business to ensure they had their non-IT dependencies in place.
  • Devolved Authority to Feature Leads – I blogged previously about Feature Leads who could help shape the technical solution and drive the knowledge for the project.
  • Metrics Driven Requirements – Though not completely successful, we were able to stop the business from implementing some feature by showing them production metrics. In this case, we were able to avoid building a complex search algorithm to show that we could achieve the same result by adding to a list of synonyms on search.
  • Everyone grows – If I look back at the project, I think everyone on the team has experienced and grown a significant amount in different ways. I think we struck a good balance between being able to work towards individuals goals and find ways they could help the project at the same time.

Other particular things I’m proud of the team:

  • Taming the Hippo – Worthy of its own post, Hippo CMS has been one of the least developer friendly tools I’ve had to deal with for some time. The team managed to work out how to run an effective functional test around its poor UI as well as deploy and upgrade the beast in different environments without the 12 step manual process outlined on their wiki.
  • Rapid team size – Management wanted the entire team to start at the same time. Even being able to push back, we ended up with a very aggressive ramp up and we still managed to deliver well.
  • Diverse but co-operative – We had something like 17 people and 14 different nationalities and it’s one of the strongest teams I’ve seen who were able to work through their differences and forge ahead.

Things that I would like to be different:

  • Find a way to code a lot more – Due to the circumstances, many elements drew me away from coding. At best, I can remember pairing with someone for at most two days a week (for a short time) and I would like to find a way to do that more.
  • Implement more validated learning – Although dependent on a product owner willing to do this, I would have liked to work more on trying to build and experiment a lot more.
  • Have a stronger relationship with decision makers with authority – I believe development teams work best when they are connected to people who can make decisions, not just organisational proxies who provide answers. Unfortunately I felt most of this cascaded very far up the organisation and due to the constant flux and organisational change, this wasn’t possible in the timeframe. I’m hopeful that as the business matures and more permanent people find their place, this will be more possible.

Reflections on Agile 2012

Another year, another agile conference. It’s time for reflecting on the conference and uncovering lessons learned. Dallas, Texas hosted this year’s Agile Conference. More accurately, the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine hosted this year’s Agile Conference. Loved by many at the conference (notably less so by Europeans) the resort reminds me of the Eden Project and a weird biosphere (see picture below) that is self-contained and fully air-conditioned. Although maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing with a West Nile virus outbreak in Dallas.

Needless to say that I stepped out quite a bit to try to get some fresh, if not, refreshingly humid air.

Onto the conference. It was very well organised, very well run and even rapidly responded to feedback (such as moving rooms when demand proved too much for some of the anticipated sessions. Food came out very promptly in the different breaks. We didn’t have to queue too long and the variety was pretty good. The only breakdown was probably the Tuesday lunchtime where it wasn’t clear we had to get our own food and with a limited number of on-site restaurants in our self-enclosed bubble world, proved to be a bit of a tight squeeze in schedule.

The people at the conference seemed to be a bit of a mix. Mainly lots of consultants like myself sharing their experiences, but as one person noted, an extraordinary number of agile coaches all apparently looking for work. On the other extreme there seemed to be lots of companies adopting agile and lots of people selling tools and training to help them.

Lots of parallel tracks meant lots of choice for many people but I often found it hard to find things that worked for me. I’m less interested in “enterprise agile adoption”, and more interested in the practices pushing the boundaries, or the deep insight offered by people. The few technical sessions I went seemed to be aimed at a bit more of an introductory audience. I particularly avoided any of the “do this with scrum” or “do this with kanban” as these appeared by be pushing.

In terms of keynotes, I thought they did a great job of assembling some diverse and interesting sessions. Although Bob Sutton (No A**hole Rule author) felt like he didn’t do much preparation for his keynote from the text heavy slides that jumped at different paces, he had some good anecdotes and stories to share. My biggest takeaway from that session was thinking about taking away practices just as much as adding practices, something that I think I do implicitly but should try to do more explicitly. The other keynotes were pretty inspiring as well, with Dr. Sunita Maheshwari behind Telerad talking about her accidental experiment moving into doing remote radiology to support the night-shift need of hospitals in the US and the interesting growth of their business. The other really inspirational keynote was by Joe Justice, the guy behind the amazing Wikispeed project taking sets of agile practices and principles back into the car-making industry. I felt he really knew his stuff, and it’s amazing how you can tell someone who really understands the values and trying to live them in different ways and then translating them into a different world. Very cool stuff that you should check out.

In terms of other workshop sessions, I left half way through many of them as the ideas were either too slow, or not at all interesting (such as one on Agile Enterprise Architecture that spent 30 minutes trying to go back to the age-old debate of defining Enterprise Architecture.)

Two of my most favourite sessions was one by Linda Rising who gave a very heart-felt and personal Q&A session that left many people in tears. Her stories are always very personal, and I really admire her ability to look beyond someone’s words and really uncover the true question they are asking with a usually insightful answer as well! The other session was listening to the great work that Luke Hohmann of Innovation Games has been doing with the San Jose government to change the way they make decisions about where the money goes through the use of games and play. Very awesome stuff.

I had my session in the last possible slot on the Thursday and had a large number of well known people in competing slots such as Jeff Sutherland, Esther Derby and Diana Larsen. I’m very happy with the turn out as we had a lot of fun playing games from the Systems Thinking Playbook including a number of insightful conversations about systems thinking concepts and how they apply to our working life. One of my most favourite exercises (Harvest) that demonstrates the Tragedy of the Commons archectype played its course and we finished in just three years (iterations) only due to a constraint I added early into the game. I love this exercise for its potential for variation and the insightful conversations about how this applies to agile teams, organisations and functions.

You often can’t come away from conferences without new references, so here’s the list of books and web resources I noted down (but obviously my summary is without actually reading into it, so YMMV):

XP2012 Continued

The morning started off with a keynote from Sally Spinks of IDEO talking about design thinking and their wholistic design approach to organisations and service design. From what I understood, her role involves “Organisational Design” which is an interesting concept that I initially balked a little at. How can you “design” an organisation and just expect people to play it out. Fortunately she answered that later in the talk about preparing for people to surprise you and to make sure you plan for that change. She talked a little bit about the history of IDEO moving from product design to service design to organisation design and describing how business models are the new units of design.

Being effectively a “change agent”, her most compelling message hit home for a lot of us. Set purpose. Do small stuff, tell big stories. Iterate on the purpose, do more stuff and tell more stories and keep going.

Another highlight for me was a short speech by a well known Swedish chef (in Sweden at least) called Jan Boris-Möller. He’s famous for a TV show going into people’s homes and cooking a three course meal in a a short time based on everything they have in their kitchen. He talked about leadership (setting direction for the kitchen), adaptability and understanding your constraints (e.g. catering for weddings on a farm where you limited access to power sources) and balancing personal creativity with customer success. He talked about understanding your customer and the contraints they work in. He gave the example that it is extremely rare for Swedish people to drink at lunchtime, but often drinks wine at dinner. This means that if you serve the same soup at dinner, it needs to probably be more intense in order to compete with the acidity in the wine.

He even prepared the wonderful evening meal for the conference dinner including wonderful creations including ceviches, foams and an intensely flavoured shot of soup. He

I also hosted an open space session called, “Succeeding as a technical leader” and had some really great conversations covering topics such as what makes a technical leader different from other leaders, their key responsibilities, their challenges and growth paths or how organisations help (or don’t) help them grow. We discussed items such as dealing with conflict, whether or not the role was needed and heard some great stories from the other open space participants.

I also later participated in the workshop, “Combining Usability and agile” involving both a little exercise and a healthy discussion on the different ways that teams integrate usability with agile. It was a small group but lead to some great examples and discussions.

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