The intersection of technology and leadership

Category: Java (Page 3 of 5)

Downloading specific files through Maven

In ant, it’s pretty easy to use the ant task get to download something for you. Apparently it’s not something most maven users do (probably because they end up doing something like an ant=run). Even though maven has in-built web communications (this is how it often is found downloading the interweb), it wasn’t easy finding out how to download something not in a maven repository (without having to deploy artefacts into a maven repository which I understand is the “maven way”).

Anyway, after sometime, here’s the plugin configuration I used to do the download. Note that we’re using Maven 2.1.0 (and it could have changed in the latest version).

The following plugin will download configuration.jar and artifact.jar from the web directory http://host/pathToArtifact and drop it into a folder called target/downloadedFiles. This does this at the start of the maven lifecycle (note the phase it is attached to below).

					configuration.jar, artifact.jar

Some limitations is that it won’t fail if it can download some of the artifacts and not others.

Executable War in Maven

One of the many issues I had (have) with Maven is finding out how to use an appropriate plugin. The site documentation is normally pretty obscure, and examples are sparse. One of the activites we needed to do recently is to turn our war artifact into something that would run standalone. I’d normally use something like jetty for this but I didn’t find a way to easy bundle jetty and refer to the war within the same classpath (and still have things work).

Another tool I stumbled across was winstone (Hudson uses this beast). Wrapping this up seemed pretty easy enough. Note that the configuration below is used to start a war that won’t have dynamic JSP compilation. If you do, you can add a useJasper=true configuration and add the appropriate maven dependencies for jasper to ensure they’re available.

The result of this plugin will effectively build an executable jar, that you simply start up.

Need to add these dependencies:

Given that your project is a war package as well


You will find this artifact built in your standard target directly.

Who’s calling you?

I’ve been working on some performance testing profiling and in trying to diagnose a fix, we found one particular method was being called constantly. Searching for usages (static analysis) tells me who could possibly call the method we were inspecting, but we were interested in the runtime invocations. Since this was quite deep in the code, I used the power of dynamic proxies to do this.

I’ve rebuilt the code here:


package com.thekua.examples;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

public class TraceBackProxy implements InvocationHandler {
    public static interface CallingMethodListener {
        void notify(String method);

    private final Object wrapped;
    private final CallingMethodListener listener;

    private TraceBackProxy(Object wrapped, CallingMethodListener context) {
        this.wrapped = wrapped;
        this.listener = context;

    public static Object wrap(Object target, CallingMethodListener context) {
        Class targetClass = target.getClass();
        return Proxy.newProxyInstance(targetClass.getClassLoader(),
                targetClass.getInterfaces(), new TraceBackProxy(target, context));

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] arguments) throws Throwable {
        String callingMethod = findCallingMethod(method);
        return method.invoke(wrapped, arguments);

    private String findCallingMethod(Method method) {
        try {
            throw new RuntimeException();
        } catch(RuntimeException e) {
            StackTraceElement[] elements = e.getStackTrace();
            int callingMethodIndex = findIndexOfMethod(elements, method) + 1; // caller is next one down in stack
            return elements[callingMethodIndex].getMethodName();

    private int findIndexOfMethod(StackTraceElement[] elements, Method method) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
            StackTraceElement current = elements[i];
            // does not cope with overloaded or duplicate method names
            if (current.getMethodName().equals(method.getName())) {
                return i;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Something went wrong and couldn't find method in stacktrace");


package com.thekua.examples;

import org.junit.Test;

import static;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

public class TraceBackProxyTest {

    public static interface SomeRole {
        void doStuff();

    public static class TestSubject implements SomeRole {
        public boolean called;

        public void doStuff() {
            called = true;

    public void shouldStillDelegate() {
        TestSubject target = new TestSubject();
        SomeRole action = (SomeRole)TraceBackProxy.wrap(target, new TestOnlyListener());


        assertThat(target.called, is(true));

    public static class TestOnlyListener implements TraceBackProxy.CallingMethodListener {
        String lastCalledMethod;

        public void notify(String method) {
            lastCalledMethod = method;

    public void shouldFindCallingMethod() {
        TestOnlyListener listener = new TestOnlyListener();
        SomeRole action = (SomeRole) TraceBackProxy.wrap(new TestSubject(), listener);


        assertThat(listener.lastCalledMethod, equalTo("shouldFindCallingMethod"));

Note that your mileage may vary since it probably won’t work when you have duplicate method names across classes, or overloaded methods on the same. It proved useful for me and hope it helps you.

Maven. What’s it good for?

Just like a certain number of speakers, Maven seems to divide developers into two camps:

  1. Those who like it; and
  2. Those who loathe it

I try to be objective as much as possible about tools, so let’s explore what Maven is and what it’s good for.

What’s Maven all about?
Maven has two major responsibilities (with a handful of minor ones). These two are:

  1. Library dependency management – Anyone who’s worked on a java project will know the large number of libraries you might end up with. Part of this is the JDKs inability to solve some of the simplest programming problems (solved with Apache Commons, various logging frameworks, etc). Maven was one of the first successful attempts at fixing this, focusing on applications on what version of libraries they’d like with its dependencies automatically resolved.
  2. Build lifecycle tool – Maven provides a standard set of fixed build lifecyles with hooks for each step in the lifecycle should you need to extend it.

Why was Maven developed?
To better understand Maven’s design, let’s look at the context developers built it in. Maven sprung forth out of the growing complexities in the Java Apache community. New Apache projects started off almost all the time and there was no “standard” way of building, or creating them. More than that, many Apache projects built on the work of other projects and managing the versioning of libraries started to become an onerous task.

Each Apache project characteristically depended on several other projects although generated its own single distributable (i.e. jar, war, etc).

Maven helped simplify these by assuming a default project structure, a default build lifecycle common to all many Apache projects.

Where is Maven most useful?
If you’re on a project that is similar to a single Apache project (a single distributable with a single set of unit tests) then you’ve hit Maven’s sweet spot.

Where does Maven start to break?
Here are some of the situations I’ve faced where Maven is not the best tool for the job:

  • When one team is producing a number of artefacts, you find yourself needing to work around the Maven structure, often with resorting to “Pom Inheritence”. You have to do ugly things like maven installs before hand.
  • If you need to do anything more complex than the standard build, then you start to obfuscate the build process. Strange things like different processes running under different profiles (whether or not the build is running on a build server or not) can be very confusing for lots of people.
  • Maven adds more complexity to your development environment as you rely on either a public artefact server, or need to set up an internal one. Whilst this seems simple, it is yet another environmental factor that affects how you develop, and its external nature adds variability to projects that often cause false negative build failures.

What other situations would your recommend using Maven or not?

Controlling Time: How to deal with periodic gaps

Some application logging is important enough to put regressions tests in place. For instance, when you shell out to other programs and you want to monitor the amount of time it takes. In this entry I’m going to demonstrate how you might test that you are correctly logging out the time taken to do some long running work. I’m going to assume that you already have a Clock concept in the system.

Let’s assume we’re trying to test the following block of code:

public void doSomeWork(Clock clock) {
  DateTime startTime =;
  DateTime endTime =;
  long timeTaken = endTime.minus(startTime.getMillis()).getMillis();
  LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Time taken was %sms", timeTaken);

One approach would be refactor the above code, replacing the Clock with a StopWatch but I’m going to show a technique for testing this code without changing it. Instead, we are going to inject an AutomaticallyForwardingClock. Here’s the implementation:

public class AutomaticallyMovingForwardClock implements Clock {
  private final int periodToMoveForwardsInMs;
  private DateTime now;

  public AutomaticallyMovingForwardClock(DateTime initialStartTime,
      int periodToMoveForwardsInMs) { = initialStartTime;
    this.periodToMoveForwardsInMs = periodToMoveForwardsInMs;

  public DateTime now() {
    DateTime result = now;
    now = now.plusMillis(periodToMoveForwardsInMs);
    return result;

So whenever anyone asks the current time from the Clock, it automatically shifts time forward by the specified amount. Now we can write a test that looks like this:

public void shouldLogTimeTakenForProgramToExecute() throws Exception {
  int periodToMoveForwards = 5;
  Clock clock = new AutomaticallyMovingForwardClock(new DateTime(), periodToMoveForwards);
  long expectedDuration = periodToMoveForwards;       
  assertThat(fetchLogEntry(), containsString("Time taken " + expectedDuration + "ms"));   

A few notes from above:

  • The test uses the Joda DateTime class.
  • The test uses the Hamcrest API
  • The test assumes you know how to retrieve the log message from a logger

Although I think that injecting a StopWatch is probably a better mechanism, I hope that this technique still proves useful for some people.

Controlling Time: Threaded Execution

Update (Feb 21): Thanks to some feedback from Taras and Lowell, the ThreadedRunner is the same as the java.util.concurrent.Executor class! I’ve updated the post to reflect this below. Thanks for the suggestion!

Unit testing threaded software can sometimes prove slightly cumbersome. Many of the examples on the net often show examples that tie a number of responsibilities together. It might be easy to see something like this:

  public class SomeExample {    
    public void doSomeWork() {
      Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          // do some long running work
      new Thread(runnable).start();

The thing about this class above is to realise what responsibilities it is mixing, including the new work they would like to (the item in Runnable), as well as how they would like to run it (the separate thread). It’s difficult to tease these two responsibilities apart the way it’s declared. The first thing I’d do is remove the dependency on the new thread. I’ll start by making use of the java.util.concurrent.Executor :

public interface Executor {
  void execute(Runnable runnable);
public class SingleThreadedExecutor implements Executor {
  public void execute(Runnable runnable) {;
public class NewThreadedExecutor implements Executor {
  public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
    new Thread(runnable).start();    	

We’ll inject the SingleThreadedExecutor in our unit tests, so we only ever have one thread of execution, and we can rely on tests being consistently reproducible. We’ll inject the NewThreadedExecutor when we need to assemble our application for production. Here’s the step by step refactoring.

Wrap inside our new implementation

public class SomeExample {    
  public void doSomeWork() {
    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        // do some long running work
    new NewThreadedExecutor().start(runnable);

Inject instance via the constructor

public class SomeExample {
  private final NewThreadedExecutor executor;
  public SomeExample(NewThreadedExecutor executor) {
    this.executor = executor;
  public void doSomeWork() {
    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        // do some long running work

Replace specific with interface

public class SomeExample {
  private final Executor executor;
  public SomeExample(Executor executor) {
    this.executor = executor;
  public void doSomeWork() {
    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        // do some long running work

In the tests, you can now inject an instance of SingleThreadedExecutor, whilst in production mode, you use the NewThreadedExecutor.

Of course, this still leaves your testing strategy incomplete where you do want to test your software with the number of threads that you do expect, particularly when you need to share state across different processes.

Controlling Time: How to deal with infinity

It’s been a while since I’ve had to slice and dice legacy code. It reminds me how easily, non test driven code, slips into the abyss of tight coupling and the effort of retrofitting (unit) tests increasing in effort with time. Of course, I don’t believe TDD should be done all the time, but for most production code I do. In this entry, I’m going to use the Sprout Inner Class mechanism to demonstrate how to start making something that would have been untestable much more manageable.

The scenario
What we have below is the entry point into our program (i.e. a class with a main method). When I first encountered this class, it had too many responsibilities including, and not limited to, parsing command line options, some application logic, handling terminal signals, and wiring up all the objects for the program to start. Combined with an infinite working loop, you can imagine what a nightmare it was to unit test. Here’s the modified class, called RunningProgram representing the important parts of the class related to this walk through.

Our task: To reduce the number of responsibilities and test the body of the start method (we couldn’t simply extract method immediately due to the number of fields it modified)

package com.thekua.examples;

import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;

public class RunningProgram implements SignalHandler {
	private boolean running = true;
	// some other fields
	public void start() {
		running = true;
		while (running) {
			// do some work (that we want to unit test)
			// it changes about ten fields depending on what condition
			// gets executed 
		// Finished doing some work
	// it also had plenty of other methods
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		RunningProgram program = new RunningProgram();
		Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), program);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), program);

	public void handle(Signal signal) {
	    // Program terminated by a signal
		running = false;		

Step 1: Understand the dependencies that make this test difficult to test
To get some level of functional testing around this program we had a number of timed triggers, watching for state modifications with a given timeout. Our problem was infinity itself, or rather, not sure when to interrupt infinity to watch for when the body of work inside the loop had finished its work once, twice, and not too early. We could have made it more complicated by introducing lifecycle listeners yet we hesitated at that option because we thought it would complicate the code too much.

We noticed the use of the running flag. We noticed it was the condition for whether or not we continued looping, and was also the trigger for a graceful shutdown using the sun.misc.Signal class. Notice that the running program implements the SignalHandler interface as a result. We thought that running behaviour of the RunningProgram could be extracted into a separate aspect.

Step 2: Encapsulate, encapsulate, encapsulate
Our first task, was to remove direct access to the running flag since the class modified it in two places. Sprout an inner class, and simply delegate to getters and setters and we might find we have a class that looks like:

package com.thekua.examples;

import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;

public class RunningProgram implements SignalHandler {
    public static class RunningCondition {
	    private boolean running = true;
		boolean shouldContinue() {
		    return running;
		public void stop() {
		    running = false;
	private RunningCondition condition = new RunningCondition();
	// some other fields
	public void start() {
		while (condition.shouldContinue()) {
			// do some work (that we want to unit test)
			// it changes about ten fields depending on what condition
			// gets executed 
		// Finished doing some work
	// it also had plenty of other methods
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		RunningProgram program = new RunningProgram();
		Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), program);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), program);

	public void handle(Signal signal) {
	    // Program terminated by a signal

Moving the running flag to a separate class gives us a number of benefits. It lets us hide the implementation of how we handle running, and puts us down the road of clearly teasing apart the overloaded responsibilities.

Step 3: Consolidate related behaviour
It bothered me that the main program had the shutdown hook. That behaviour definitely felt strongly related to the RunningCondition. I felt it was a good thing to move it to the that class. We now have something that looks like:

package com.thekua.examples;

import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;

public class RunningProgram {
    public static class RunningCondition implements SignalHandler {
	    private boolean running = true;
		boolean shouldContinue() {
		    return running;
		public void handle(Signal signal) {
	        // Program terminated by a signal
			running = false;
	private RunningCondition condition = new RunningCondition();
	// some other fields
	public void start() {
		while (condition.shouldContinue()) {
			// do some work (that we want to unit test)
			// it changes about ten fields depending on what condition
			// gets executed 
		// Finished doing some work
	// it also had plenty of other methods
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		RunningProgram program = new RunningProgram();
		Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), program.condition);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), program.condition);


Note that it is now the RunningCondition that now implements the SignalHandler interface (that we are using to register with the Signal

Step 3: Remove dependency chain
The difficulty with this class still exists. We cannot modify the RunningCondition of this program since it creates one for itself. Since I prefer Constructor Based Dependency Injection, I’m going to apply Introduce Parameter to Constructor, moving the field declaration to the constructor itself. Here it is what the class looks like now:

package com.thekua.examples;

import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;

public class RunningProgram {
    public static class RunningCondition implements SignalHandler {
	    private boolean running = true;
		boolean shouldContinue() {
		    return running;
		public void handle(Signal signal) {
	        // Program terminated by a signal
			running = false;
	private final RunningCondition condition;
	public RunningProgram(RunningCondition condition) {
	    this.condition = condition;
	// some other fields
	public void start() {
		while (condition.shouldContinue()) {
			// do some work (that we want to unit test)
			// it changes about ten fields depending on what condition
			// gets executed 
		// Finished doing some work
	// it also had plenty of other methods
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		RunningProgram program = new RunningProgram(new RunningCondition());
		Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), program.condition);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), program.condition);


Note that we are still bound to the implementation of the specific RunningCondition, so it’s time to apply Extract Interface, and understand what role that RunningCondition has. We chose the name, RunStrategy for the role name, and to help keep the names more aligned, we ended up renaming RunningCondition to RunLikeADaemonStrategy. Our code now looks like this:

package com.thekua.examples;

import sun.misc.Signal;
import sun.misc.SignalHandler;

public class RunningProgram {
    public static interface RunStrategy {
	    boolean shouldContinue();
    public static class RunLikeADaemonStrategy implements SignalHandler, RunStrategy {
	    private boolean running = true;
		public boolean shouldContinue() {
		    return running;
		public void handle(Signal signal) {
	        // Program terminated by a signal
		    running = false;
	private final RunStrategy runStrategy;
	public RunningProgram(RunStrategy runStrategy) {
	    this.runStrategy = runStrategy;
	// some other fields
	public void start() {
		while (runStrategy.shouldContinue()) {
			// do some work (that we want to unit test)
			// it changes about ten fields depending on what condition
			// gets executed 
		// Finished doing some work
	// it also had plenty of other methods
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		RunLikeADaemonStrategy strategy = new RunLikeADaemonStrategy();
		RunningProgram program = new RunningProgram(strategy);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), strategy);
		Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), strategy);

The best thing is that our RunningProgram no longer needs to know what happens if a terminate or interrupt signal is sent to the program. With simply a dependency on the RunStrategy we can know inject a fixed run strategy for tests that we ended up calling a RunNumberOfTimesStrategy. We also promoted the specific RunLikeADaemonStrategy to a full class (not an inner class).

Thanks for getting this far! Please leave a comment if you thought this was useful.

Controlling Time

Disclaimer: This technique does not work outside of programming. Do not try this on your neighbours, kids or pets…

What’s wrong with time dependent tests?
It’s easy to write tests that are far too flaky and intermittent. Worse yet, a quick fix often results in putting a pause to tests that make them drag out longer and longer. Alternatively, unneeded complexity is added to try to do smart things to poll for tests to time out.

What can we do about it?
I’m all about solutions, so I’m out about to outline the secret to controlling time (in at least unit tests). Here’s a situation you might recognise. Or not. Sorry to anyone vegetarian reading this entry.

We have a class called Beef that knows when it’s past its prime using the Joda Time libraries.

package com.thekua.examples;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

public class Beef {
	private final DateTime expiryDate;

	public Beef(DateTime expiryDate) {
		this.expiryDate = expiryDate;
	public boolean isPastItsPrime() {
		DateTime now = new DateTime(); // Notice this line?
		return now.isAfter(expiryDate); 

Surprise, surprise. We also have a unit test for it:

package com.thekua.examples;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.junit.Test;

public class BeefTest {
	public void shouldBePastItsPrimeWhenExpiryDateIsPast() throws Exception {
		int timeToPassForExpiry = 100;
		Beef beef = new Beef(new DateTime().plus(timeToPassForExpiry));
		Thread.sleep(timeToPassForExpiry * 2); // Sleep? Bleh...

Step 1: Contain time (in an object of course)
The first step is to contain all the use of time concepts behind an object. Don’t even try to call this class a TimeProvider. It’s a Clock okay? (I’m sure I used to call it that in the past as well, so don’t worry!). The responsibility of the Clock is to tell us the time. Here’s what it looks like:

package com.thekua.examples;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

public interface Clock {
	DateTime now();

In order to support the system working as normally, we are going to introduce the SystemClock. I sometimes call this a RealClock. It looks a bit like this:

package com.thekua.examples;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

public class SystemClock implements Clock {
	public DateTime now() {
		return new DateTime();

We are now going to let our Beef now depend on our Clock concept. It should now look like this:

package com.thekua.examples;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

public class Beef {
	private final DateTime expiryDate;
	private final Clock clock;

	public Beef(DateTime expiryDate, Clock clock) {
		this.expiryDate = expiryDate;
		this.clock = clock;
	public boolean isPastItsPrime() {
		DateTime now =;
		return now.isAfter(expiryDate); 

If you wanted to, the step by step refactoring would look like:

  1. Replace new DateTime() with new SystemClock().now()
  2. Replace new instance with field
  3. Instantiate new field in constructor

We’d use the RealClock in both the code that creates the Beef as well as our test. Our test should look like…

package com.thekua.examples;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;

public class BeefTest {
	public void shouldBePastItsPrimeWhenExpiryDateIsPast() throws Exception {
		int timeToPassForExpiry = 100;
		SystemClock clock = new SystemClock();
		Beef beef = new Beef(, clock);
		Thread.sleep(timeToPassForExpiry * 2);

Step 2: Change the flow of time in tests
Now that we have the production code dependent on an abstract notion of time, and our test still working, we now want to substitute the RealClock with another object that allows us to shift time for tests. I’m going to call it the ControlledClock. Its responsibility is to control the flow of time. For the purposes of this example, we’re only going to allow time to flow forward (and ensure tests use relative times instead of absolute). You might vary it if you needed very precise dates and times. Note the new method forwardTimeInMillis.

package com.thekua.examples;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

public class ControlledClock implements Clock {
	private DateTime now = new DateTime();

	public DateTime now() {
		return now;
	public void forwardTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
		now =;

Now we can use this new concept in our tests, and replace the way that we previously forwarded time (with the Thread.sleep) with our new class. Here’s what our final test looks like now:

package com.thekua.examples;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;

public class BeefTest {
	public void shouldBePastItsPrimeWhenExpiryDateIsPast() throws Exception {
		int timeToPassForExpiry = 100;
		ControlledClock clock = new ControlledClock();
		Beef beef = new Beef(, clock);
		clock.forwardTimeInMillis(timeToPassForExpiry * 2);

We can even further improve this test to be more specific by forwarding time by simply adding one rather than multiplying twice.

Step 3: Save time (and get some real sleep)
Although this is a pretty trivial example of a single use of time dependent tests, it shouldn’t take too much effort to introduce this concept to any classes that depend on time. Not only will you save yourself heart-ache with either flaky, broken tests, but you should also save yourself the waiting time you’d otherwise need to introduce, leading to faster test execution, and that wonderful thing of fast feedback.

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought of this by leaving a comment.

Declaring Spring Programmatically

I’ve always been a big fan of Picocontainer because it has a lovely programmatic interface as an IoC container, and I generally value programmatic APIs over external representations, particularly for config files (note that it doesn’t mean external representations aren’t useful).

Unfortunately the followers of Spring love writing their code in XML, and many of their examples don’t show what you need to do to wire up all their examples declaratively in code. I spent some time trying to work out how to do some things.

Bean with an id ‘myBean’

&amp;amp;amp;lt;bean id=&amp;amp;amp;quot;myBean&amp;amp;amp;quot; class=&amp;amp;amp;quot;com.thekua.example.SomeClass&amp;amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;amp;gt;

in code:

GenericBeanDefinition someClassDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(SomeClass.class).getBeanDefinition();
getDefaultListableBeanFactory().register(&amp;amp;amp;quot;myBean&amp;amp;amp;quot;, someClassDefinition);

Guided by this article: Programmatically Build A Spring Application Context

I’ll add more examples for the more complicated items later.

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