Excel 2007 is quite a horrible experience. Someone recently told me a story where apparently, Micro$oft said that it’s easier for new users to learn, yet would take three weeks of re-training for existing office users. Shame I fall into the latter crowd and not the former. Read on if you are wondering where your worksheets went and want to insert a new worksheet.

Looking automatically at the Insert menu, I see that I can insert anything but a worksheet (see diagram below).

Insert Menu

I’m used to also seeing the worksheets down the bottom of the workbook as well yet to no avail.

Excel 2007

To see them come back, ensure that you have the option Show Sheet Tabs on.

Show Sheet Tabs Option

Then go to View -> Arrange All and select an option (I chose Tiled).

Arrange All

Viola! Problem solved.

Sheet is Back

Of course, apparently you can also use the menu command Home -> Insert -> Insert Sheet (how obvious!)