Food Poker

Fresh off our latest TV appearance on the F Word Jenny and I were invited to appear on a new BBC food show – Food Poker.

The concept behind Food Poker is that a group of four chefs would “play a hand” of poker which would decide which ingredients they would be allowed to cook with for the relevant rounds – Savoury and Sweet. For each round, the four chefs have a few minutes to convince the audience/panel that their dish was the best and two chefs with the most chips would then go into the round cook-off. The winner of each round, as voted by us the audience/panel, would then cook-off in a finale – the results of which would be judged the chefs who didn’t make the cook-off leaving Food Poker with a Food Poker Champion for the day.

When Jenny and I were originally signed up, the concept behind Food Poker was that there would be an audience of about 30 people large – some would get to vote on the dishes, some would get to taste, etc. but a few days before the filming we were told the audience had been reduced to seven people only. I thought that people had pulled out but it turns out the production company decided it would be better to have only a panel of seven! So, unless severe edits are made to the episode, I think Jenny and I have a fair chance to be on TV.

I don’t know how the chefs felt but I felt pretty nervous whenever the cameras focussed on us – we had to stutter out some descriptions of the food but the worst bit was being filmed whilst you were tasting the food. On both occasions I nearly dropped my cutlery!

Anyway, as again with the F Word I’m not sure how much I can say about the day’s filming so once our episode screens, if it screens!, I’ll be back with more details. I’d like to say though that the four chefs (Martin Blunos, Theo Randall, Clodagh McKenna and Peter Gordon) who featured on our episode were extremely friendly and suprisingly approachable – even got a kiss from Martin and Theo.

Food Poker is supposed to show during the Ready, Steady, Cook slot at 4.30pm weekdays so look out for it!